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Consider the descriptions given below in pairs, and indicate whit pairs specify the same system and whit the same state.

Consider the descriptions given below in pairs, and indicate whit pairs specify the same system and whit the same state. Notice that the answers to this problem depend on how eat system is defined. For eat description, consider several alternative system definitions.

(a) Two kilograms of water rotating at 1 rpm in a 2-liter liquid-proof container.

(b) Two kilograms of alcohol rotating at 1 rpm in a 2-liter liquid-proof container.

(c)  One kilogram of water at rest in a 1-liter liquid-proof container.

(d) Two kilograms of water in a 2-liter liquid-proof container divided into two equal compartments by a rigid partition.

(e) the products of electrolysis, H2 and O2 , of 2 kg of water in a 2-liter liquid-proof container.

(f) Two kilograms of water in a 2-liter container with a water inflow of 1 kg/h at an inlet port and a water outflow of 1 kg/h at an outlet port.

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