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Explain why and in what sense each of the following is an economic good.

1. Explain why and in what sense each of the following is an economic good.
(a) An In-n-out Double Double hamburger.
(b) A laptop computer.
(c) A parking lot at UCI.
2. Answer these two questions about religion.
(a) Should any definition of religion include reference to the supernatural?
Explain youranswer.(d) What is an example of a social rule, laws, or code of conduct that influences religiousdecisions? Explain how it influences religious decisions.
3. Go to the blog post called “American Teenagers’ Religiosity” (21 September 2020) on the class blog, and click on the link to the study to read the study results. The article is long, but you should review it to get the main points. ( http://thereligiousmarketplace.blogspot.com/
(a) 48% of U.S. teens say that they have the same religious beliefs as their parents. Do you think this is high or low? Explain your answer.
(b) The evidence suggests that teens are less religious than their parents. Does this finding imply that Americans will be less religious in the future?
4. In Chapter 2 of their book, Stark and Finke describe some observations of their study of the Unification Church (a.k.a., the Moonies). What evidence of rational choice do they find in the group’s religious behavior?5. For this question, you will explore some data on the religious composition of the U.S. Open your web browser to www.TheARDA.com.
(a) If you are American, write down the county and state in which you grew up. If you are not American, then write “Orange County, CA.”
(b) Let’s look at church membership in the county/state you wrote in (a). Click on the “U.S. Congregational Membership” tab near the top (or under menu depending on your browser),thenclickonthe”Counties”linkintheReportsbox. Selecttheappropriatestate and county and then click “View Report.” What religious body had the most members in your county in the year 2010? Do not count the “Unclaimed” category.
(c) How many members/adherents did that group have in 2010?(d) In what theological “tradition” is that group from (c)?(e) In percent change, what group saw the largest membership growth from 2000-2010in your county? (Hint: click on the “2000-2010 Change” tab.) 1(f) In percent change, how much did this group grow from 2000-2010?(g) In what theological “tradition” is that group?(h) In percent change, what group saw the largest decline in membership from 2000-2010in your county?(i) In percent change, how much did this group decline from 2000-2010)?(j) In what theological “tradition” is that group?(k) Now turn to the national religious environment. Go back to the ARDA home page.Click on the “U.S. Congregational Membership” tab again. Then click on “U.S. Maps” in the Maps box. Select “Mainline Protestant Denominations—Rates of Adherence per 1000 Population (2010)” and press “Go.” What four states have the highest rate of adherence (per 1000 members) to Mainline Protestant denominations?(l) What state has the highest total number of adherents for Mainline Protestant de- nominations? (You figure out how to find this.)(m) What four states have the highest rates of adherence for Evangelical Protestant denominations? You should be able to find this without hints.(n) What state has the highest total number of adherents to Evangelical Protestant denominations?(o) What three states have the highest Catholic rates of adherence?(p) Now turn to religion and social issues. Go to the ARDA home page and click on the “Quickstats” tab.
Then click the “Support abortion for any reason” link. What percent of American respondents answers that they believe a woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason?(q) Click on the “Patterns” tab to see how this answer varies by religious tradition? What percent of Protestants answered Yes to this question? What percent of Catholics? Jewish?None? Other? (Hint:youwillneedtoscrolldownafterclicking”AnalyzeResults.”)


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