explore one of the many sites that provide weather information.

There are many weather resources on the internet. This homework is designed to help you explore one of the many sites that provide weather information. The assignment is to visit the site listed below and provide a written summary. The summary must be no less than 1.5 pages of typed text, double-spaced using a font size of 12. The header information does not count towards text. Top, bottom and side margins will be no larger than 1 inch. The written summary should be typed in a new document and uploaded to the drop box on Blackboard. The summary will include details on the various weather parameters provided on the site. What features did the site have? What did you learn? What was your overall general feeling about the site? Did you find the site to be worthwhile and easy to use? In addition, please include two or three images from the site that includes the current date and time stamp. These images can be copied and pasted directly into your word document. These images can include, but not limited to, radar and satellite images, or various weather maps provided on the site. The images DO NOT count towards the 1.5 pages of text. Your paper will be graded on content and grammar. This includes, but not limited to: spelling, punctuation, introduction and conclusion paragraphs, sentence structure, general flow of the paper, etc. The following internet site will be used for the written summary: Grand Forks NWS Office: https://www.weather.gov/fgf/(Do not link out of this site)


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