This paper is about Impact of Toxic Industrial Chemicals based on North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops opposing the U.S. military.
Impact of Toxic Industrial Chemicals- US North Vietnamese Paper
Many forms of TICs have been used during combat operations in wars throughout the world. One of the more memorable uses of a TIC is the use of Agent Orange, a defoliant including dioxin as well as numerous other chemicals, during the Vietnam War with an impact that spans across the past 50 years. The U.S. government and manufacturers of the deadly chemical allegedly sprayed and otherwise disbursed it from planes and helicopters indiscriminately for the express purpose
of destroying the jungle vegetation that served as a camouflage for the North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops opposing the U.S. military. One could easily reason that any chemical that would completely defoliate a 40-foot-tall jungle canopy could equally destroy any other lifeform as well.
Moreover the Veterans Administration, the U.S. federal government, and manufacturers
have begun actions to accept some responsibility for the health issues left in the wake of this deadly chemical on Vietnamese people and Vietnam War combat veterans still suffering today
Did such scientific research during the creation of Agent Orange provide any level of risk analysis that provided our military leaders with a projected percentage of collateral damage, which equated to acceptable losses of human or animal life directly or indirectly
related to the aerial disbursement of this chemical?
If such risk analysis did exist, did it include long-term impact projections? What effort has the United States government provided to compensate and care for those whose lives have been destroyed by this chemical within the U.S. and the country of Vietnam? Can you still use such chemicals in military operations? What should you do for the millions of families across the globe who suffer from the debilitating effects of this
chemical? Is blatant abuse of the distribution of industrial toxic chemicals relevant today?
Impact of Toxic Industrial Chemicals- US North Vietnamese Paper
Your paper should discuss:
signs and symptoms;
time span between exposure and symptom expression;
mode of exposure (injection, inhalation, cutaneous, etc.), prevention, and treatment with statistical data; locality impacts (weather, location, population, etc.);
sociological impacts;
scientific data and research techniques;
technology and development;
and counteraction strategies
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