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Our first objective is to scan the existing scholarly litera

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Our first objective is to scan the existing scholarly literature on virtual assistants (also referred to as voice digital assistants, voice-enabled AI, intelligent personal assistants, etc.) and prepare an annotated bibliography. Please see the link below to see an example on how an annotated bibliography (AB) is done: https://guides.library.cornell.edu/annotatedbibliography Please use the databases available in the UNLV library and create an AB document in Excel or Word (using APA style). The report should be comprehensive and include studies that cover the use or proposed use of technologies such as Alexa in a service industry setting (hospitality, business, or even healthcare). It is important that you use several different key terms when searching for the articles. Please take screen-capture of each database used and record the number of hits identified – we will use this info later when writing your final report. Consider saving the research articles that you have identified into a shared google document – this will make things easier when we qualify/disqualify articles for inclusion in your final report.

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