The law outlines the 4/5ths rule that must be maintained, otherwise adverse impact or adverse treatment are occurring which opens the company up to a lawsuit.

Go through the attached slides to answer the question in details:Why is measurement so important for ensuring the success of an organization’s staffing system?
Explain in some detail how measurement is relevant to overall staffing strategy and the staffing functions (e.g., legal compliance, job analysis, planning, and recruitment) that we have discussed in the class thus far.( Also, I need you to write a respond for 2 other students posts):Student 1:Measurement is extremely important for legal compliance.
The law outlines the 4/5ths rule that must be maintained, otherwise adverse impact or adverse treatment are occurring which opens the company up to a lawsuit. In addition to being able to prove with data that adverse impact is not occurring, employees can bring lawsuits for not being promoted based on subjective data. If a company has a way to measure the performance and prove why some people get promoted and others don’t regardless of subjective data, the company can protect itself from disparate treatment claims.
Measurement is important in planning because quality workforce planning is based on historical data for peak seasons and turnover expectations. Measurement is important for recruitment because some recruiting platforms are too expensive and do not yield the right kinds of applicants. By having data on recruiting, smart business decisions can be made on where to invest time and money to get the best candidates. Measurement is important for job analysis because if the requirements for a job are misrepresented and measured inaccurately, such as years of experience required, training costs may increase or recruiting costs may increase because it will be harder to attract candidates that fit the poorly measured criteria that was established in the job analysis. All of these components require some degree of measurement to have a successful staffing system.Student
2:Measurement is extremely important to the success of an organizations overall staffing system because it ensures a standardized way of doing things. It eliminates confusion and promotes fairness and accountability across the board. There’s no room for misinterpretation when an organization has a standard and reliable way of conducting job analysis, planning and recruitment. With regards to legal compliance, the law is seldom open to interpretation so consistency is key to complying with legal guidelines.


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