Describe the four major characteristics we see in behaviors that are on extinction schedules. If given a scenario, be able to label it correctly as to which characteristic it represents.
Be able to define each key term. If given an example or scenario, be able to label it as representing the particular key term.
Provide the formal definition ofextinction.
State on what the effectiveness of extinction depends.
Give an example of extinction, either from the text, from research, or your own personal experience. Label the behavior being extinguished, the reinforcer that had been regularly following the behavior, and the actual extinction procedure.
Describe the extinction procedure for a behavior maintained by positive reinforcement.
Describe the extinction procedure for a behavior maintained by negative reinforcement.
Describe the extinction procedure for a behavior maintained by naturally occurring sensory consequences. Provide examples of the different ways of doing sensory extinction.
State whether extinction procedures allow for the occurrence of the target behavior, or instead prevent the occurrence of the target behavior.
Describe how the positive effect of extinction procedures can be maintained over the long term.
Describe at least one way that the termextinctionhas been misused, describe why it represents a misuse, and describe what really is occurring in your example.
Describe the four major characteristics we see in behaviors that are on extinction schedules. If given a scenario, be able to label it correctly as to which characteristic it represents.
State how long spontaneous recovery typically remains, and under what conditions.
Describe each variable affecting resistance to extinction and given an original example of each.
State how “resistance to extinction” could be measured.
Be able to describe which schedules of reinforcement produce behavior that is the most resistant, and the least resistant, to extinction. Give real-life examples of these different schedules.
There are nine guidelines for using extinction most effectively. List each of them, with a summary of the procedural aspects of each guideline.
Describe why extinction should always be combined with other procedures.