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focuses on symbolism, allegory, and myth analysis, based on “The Lottery” story by Shirley Jackson.

This essay focuses on symbolism, allegory, and myth analysis, based on “The Lottery” story by Shirley Jackson.
guidelines that must be met
1)Are any universal symbols used in the work? Any conventional symbols? What is their function?
2) Is any character, place, action, event, or object given unusual prominence or emphasis in the story? If so, does the element seem to have symbolic as well as literal significance?
3) What possible meanings does each symbol suggest?
4) How do symbols help to depict the story’s character?
5) How do symbols help to advance the story’s plot?
6) Does the story have a moral or didactic purpose? What is the message, idea, or moral principle the story seeks to convey? Is the story an allegory?
7) What equivalent may be assigned to each allegorical figure in the story?
8) What is the allegorical framework of the story?
9) Does the story combine allegorical figures and symbols? How do they work together in the story?
10) Does the story have any references to myth? If so, what do these references contribute to the story’s plot or theme?


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