Agency Context:
- What is the name of your agency?
- Is this a single-program agency (If so, proceed to the section on Program Assessment)?
- Is this a multi-program agency (If so, answer all of the questions in the Agency Context and Program Assessment sections)
- What type(s) of organization is this? Some organizational categories are:
- Child protection agency
- Health & wellness
Early intervention agency
- Educational
- Mental health agency
- Substance use disorder agency
- other
- Size: a. What is the overall size of the agency? Consider the following measurements:
- Number of clients served?
- Number of employees?
iii. Number of programs?
- Number of locations?
4.History & Mission: a. Provide a brief history of this organization?
- How and why did they come into being?
- Has the agency acquired or been acquired by another organization(s)? If so, provide a timeline regarding these acquisitions.
iii. What is the current mission of this organization?
- Have connection(s) between the historical mission of the organization and its current mission been maintained or has the mission changed and developed over time? How so?
- Is the organization specific about how they implement the mission? How so?
5.Budget & Resources: a. Every agency needs resources to operate. Consider the following:
- What is the annual budget for this organization?
- What are the primary funding sources of the organization at large?
- Grants from federal, state or local government?
- Health insurance (private or public)?
- Private fund raising?
- Out-of-pocket payments?
- Other?
6.Organizational Structure:
- Is this organization public (established by legislation such as DCF or the VA) or private (independent of direct government control)?
- Is the organization “for-profit” or “not-for profit”?
7.Policy: a. What federal, state and local legislation or regulations are particularly relevant to this organization? Provide a summary of key legislation or associated regulation and then link to the legislation.
8.Organizational structure? a. Summarize the organizational structure of this organization including levels of organization pertaining to:
- Authority
- Responsibility
iii. Mechanisms for carrying out agencies functions
- Attach an organizational chart as an appendix to your paper.
9.Location: a. Where is this agency located? There may be several locations, if so is there a “main” location? Do the separate locations work together? How so?
- Does the organization have a large presence in a specific community? How do you understand the reputation of the organization within the community?
10.Target Population: a. Does the organization coalesce around a specific population group (women, teens, LGBTQ) or are services provided more broadly to a wide range of client groups?
Program Analysis:
1.Identity: Program Site(s):a. What is the name and location(s) of the program?b. Is the program’s mission aligned with the larger mission of the organization? Why or why not?
2.Client Environment: a. Describe the physical environment from a client’s perspective. Is the program welcoming? Consider:
- Parking
- Accessibility
iii. Waiting area
- Front office staff?
- Appropriate for the group the program serves (i.e. toys for children)?
3.History: a. What is the history of this particular program?
- When and how did it come into being?
- Client Overview:
- Describe the clients of this program from a demographic perspective:
- Who is served?
- Who is not being served that should be?
iii. What are the barriers to serving this population group? Hint: This often reveals a social justice issue and can guide program initiatives including advocacy, outreach and community engagement.
5.Services: a. Where are services provided?
- In the home?
- At the program location?
iii. In a host organization?
- Jail/prison
- School
- Court
vii. Other?
- How does the setting influence the effectiveness of service delivery? c. Are there differing value systems within the host agency and the program?
6.Theoretical Overview:
- What theories guide client interventions in this program?
- What treatment models are utilized?
- How are decisions made regarding how to intervene with a client system?
7.Budget and Funding:
- What is the annual budget of your program?
- What are the funding sources of this program?
- Federal, state or local government?
- Health insurance (private or public)?
iii. Private fund raising:
- Foundations
- Charitable contributions
- Out-of-pocket payments?
8.Working Environment:
- What is the general atmosphere within this program for staff and interns?
- Do staff seem to share similar professional value systems?
- Does supervision seem to be valued and honored?
iii. Is there an explicit process to addresses ethical and/or value conflicts?
- Describe the problem solving and communication patterns you have observed to date.
- What have you observed about self-care within your program? What are the explicit and implicit messages about self-care?
- What else seems important to note about the atmosphere?
- Program Evaluation:
- Does this program have a systematic evaluation process?
- Describe what is evaluated (client improvement, outreach initiatives, decrease in relapse, etc.)
- Describe the evaluation process
- Describe how evaluation outcomes are shared within the program and across the organization.
10.Role of Professional Social Work Within the Program & Organization:
- What have you observed about the role of social work within the organization and program?
- What is the ratio of social workers to other types of staff?
- Are social worker’s in leadership and managerial roles?
- Is there a professional hierarchy within the organization (For example, within hospitals the hierarchy generally has physicians at the top, followed by nurses, and then social work)?
- What have you observed about collegiality across disciplines?
- What specific guidelines exist about social worker productivity?
11.Social Justice/Advocacy Opportunities:
- Consider what you have learned from this agency and program assessment, what social justice and/or advocacy opportunities appear relevant for this program?
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