Assessment Task1: Please review and write on Creative Common Licensing, its classifications, type of material available and think how you can effectively use these material in your creative works for example websites, blogs or front end of your software programs and the inspirations you take in your own designs.
Assessment Task2: Develop an outline of code of ethics for IT practices for an organization you have joined as an IT support manager. This organization has 25 employees; it has its own IT infrastructure comprising hardware and software. The organization is also using cloud solutions like Office 365. It has Microsoft Windows based desktops, and Windows 2010 based servers. It also uses a number of software for ERP, Accounting and HR.
Assessment Task3: Build your blog on WordPress ( You can create a free blog on wordpress. Choose the theme that suits you, and think what should be the main topic of your blogs, it should be informative for IT and Business students and professionals. Write at least one blogs and try to use audio visual content as well as pictures. Be sure to use proper licensing when using pictures (hint: have a look at Flickr for creative common content) and references when using original ideas and writings.
Describe your blog, what contents you have used, and what licenses you have used to use images?
Assessment Task 4: What would be the key considerations to make privacy policy for a software house in Australia that develops mobile apps and SAAS solutions both in-house as well as for its clients?
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details
Student ID | 0000004738 |
Student name | Sijan k Shrestha |
Contact number | 0452503284 |
Email address | |
Trainer/Assessor name |
Course and Unit Details
Course code | ICT50118 |
Course name | Diploma of Information Technology Networking |
Unit code | |
Unit name |
Assessment Submission Method
☐ By hand to trainer/assessor
☐ By email to trainer/assessor
☐ Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS)
☐ By Australia Post to RTO | ☐ Any other method _________________________________________________
(Please mention here)
Student Declaration
· I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of malpractice;
· I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack; · For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor of this assessment the permission to: · Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and · Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).
Student signature: ___sijan _____________________________ Date: _16___/__10___/__2020____________ |
[Insert your Web Project Topic here]
[Insert Appropriate Image Here]
Web Programming Final Project
Prepared by:
Table of Contents
Introduction. 1
Project Investigation and Analysis. 1
Project Planning Phase. 1
Project Scope and Specification. 2
Software Design Specifications. 2
Software Requirement. 2
Website Development. 3
Coding Language. 3
Dynamic Functionalities. 3
Integration of Website Components. 4
Website Application Testing and Evaluation. 5
Clients Feedback and Approval 8
Export the Website and Submit all Documentation. 8
References. 8
This section introduces the major sections of the report (such as planning, analysis, development, implementation and maintenance).
The following sections or phases are expected to be included in the final report
Project Investigation and Analysis
Students are expected to identify, define, analyse and discuss the business need and requirement for creating the website. This should provide answer(s) to one of the following questions:
- What primary problems might a new web pages solve?
- What opportunities or issue is the site addressing?
- What is the motivation for the site?
- What are the associated risks, benefits and cost involved?
Project Planning Phase
Students are expected to determine the dynamic functionality and requirements of web documents based on the previous investigation and analysis.
Students are required to include the following in the report:
- features of the web pages you will be designing,
- what it will do
- who the intended users are (client, target user or group)
- what kind of requirements your intended users or clients would most likely want
- how you plan to incorporate these requirements into your final design
Project Scope and Specification
<Students are expected to discuss the scope of the project (dynamic functionality of your website) and how it will accomplish its purpose.>
Discuss the following outlines in this section:
- Identify business requirements of the website
- Explain the exact purpose of the website
- Define the expectations for the website’s performance including dynamic functionality, technical and quality standards
- Define and analyse your intended user interface:
- Explain how users navigates the website
- Highlight any specific user needs
- Create detailed wireframes of the website and it’s interface that can be used as a prototype
- Define the platforms that target users will be browsing with
- Describe the design principles and aesthetics that are relevant and appealing to your users
- Create a sitemap/hierarchy (model) of your website pages
Software Design Specifications
A Software design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for a software to satisfy specified requirements such as business requirements for the website. Software design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product development.>
In this section, you will need undertake the following outlines:
- Create a hierarchy or a sitemap of the website showing navigation (use any software of your choice)
Students should Include at least 5 pages showing
- Home page
- About us
- Contact us
- Survey
- Image gallery
- Create a sitemap/hierarchy of your website pages
Students should create the website pages for each of the navigation created in step 1 above
- Ensure that the content is logical and functional
Check for the connectivity of how a web page links to another web page
- Produce the prototype of the user interface
Hint: The above software design must meet the need of the client’s specification
Software Requirement
Students are expected to define and explain the following architectural requirements of the website:
- Coding languages to be used in the building of your website such as HTML5, CSS, Java Script, PHP.
- Students should specify, justify and discuss the proposed and or deployed in building the website
- Students are required to discuss what each coding language does
- How your data is stored (Hosting / domain / databases)
- Students should include detailed discussion on how the dynamic website will be hosted by a hosting company on a web server, what domain name will be used to deploy the website; and the need for integrating the website with the database
- Database setup and data storage requirement including the data dictionary
- Students should clearly discuss how they have set up their database and its associated requirement
- Data dictionary must be created under this section
- CMS or software used for your website (define the version)
- Discussion on content management system
- Additional software required in the construction of your website
- This is optional and may vary
Website Development
This is the implementation phase for this project. This section includes the creation, testing and integrating the software components of the website.
Coding Language
Create different subsections with sub-headings to show the combination of the coding languages (such as HTML, PHP, mySQL etc) you have used in developing your website
- The coding language include copies of code and or screenshots with appropriate heading under this heading
Dynamic Functionalities
<Explain and or discuss at least two dynamic functionalities of your website with evidence (codes and screenshots) of its implementation>
For example, how information will change on your website when you perform a certain action. You can discuss how the website will change information (such as product updates) or customized itself frequently and automatically.
This can be achieved by using your client-side (such as HTML and JavaScript) and or server-side scripting (such as PHP) to generate the changing contents.
Integration of Website Components
<Discuss how you would integrate your website to produce your web application.>
Website Application Testing and Evaluation
< Please show sample evidence of how you would like to have test your website to meet the specified business requirements and its dynamic functionalities. You can include sample input or data here.>
<Test your web application against the specified business requirements by completing the following checklist.>
<Insert screenshots of your data and output where possible as a demonstration of the website key features.>
Document the outcome of your web application testing in a tabular form. A sample is shown below:
Test Parameter | Input | Expected Output | Test Result | Test Date and Initials |
Click on the Home Page Button
<Enter information here.> | <Enter information here. > | <Enter information here> | <Enter information here> |
Outcome screenshot | ||||
Click on the Product/Service Button
<Enter information here.> | <Enter information here. > | <Enter information here> | <Enter information here> |
Outcome Screenshot |
<Discuss the success or shortfalls for your web application testing you have included in the outcome screenshot in the above table>
<Compare the final website with the original business specifications.>
Home Page
Test Parameter | Input | Expected Output | Test Result | Test Date and Modification |
Click on the Home Page Button
<Enter information here.> | <Enter information here. > | <Enter information here> | <Enter information here> |
Original outcome screenshot (business requirement) | ||||
Dynamic outcome Screenshot |
<Discuss how you have tested the dynamic functionality and components of the website.>
Clients Feedback and Approval
Design a form as shown below to collect client’s feedback, suggestion, modification and approval.
Dynamic Website Project sign-off | YES/NO |
The proposed and developed website application meets business/functional requirements; included required reports/documentation, project files, program codes and accommodates future improvements. | |
Website Integration with other Application | |
Website Developed by: …………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………
ICTWeb501 Assessment (trainer): …………………………………………….. Signature: ……………………………… |
Export the Website and Submit all Documentation
Collate all documents, written codes and database together so that it can be archived as evidence. Save your project files onto the appropriate location and submit in the required format specified by your trainer.
Create a zipped folder saved as SID_WebPgmAssessment (where SID = ‘Student ID Number’) for all your submission to be uploaded to the course Moodle site.
If applicable, this last section lists the sources reviewed or consulted during the planning, analysis, design, implementation phases of the website project.