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history and issues of colonialism behind monuments and how the people that were marginalized feel about them and that destroying monuments does not erase history.

My original thoughts was a paper on how destroying monuments partially destroys the history behind them. My professor wants a proposal more on interrogating the work that monuments do and the origin of them and their relationship to history.
That monuments dont’t teach history and issues of colonialism behind monuments and how the people that were marginalized feel about them and that destroying monuments does not erase history. My focus was to also incorporate what was done in Paraguay in Asuncion with the dictator Alfredo Stroessner where his monument was destroyed and then reassembled showing him being crushed between stone blocks.
There is also the argument about what should be done with monuments torn down. A separate museum, a park, recontextualized or left destroyed. This proposal is going to be used to make a longer paper in a few weeks that I will again post on here to be fleshed out. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/15/opinion/15bond.html

The post history and issues of colonialism behind monuments and how the people that were marginalized feel about them and that destroying monuments does not erase history. appeared first on Versed Writers.


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