L03: Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions.

L03: Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions.




Assessment code:


Academic Year:




Module Title:

Business Environment

Module Code:




Module Leader:

Dele Amusan



Word Limit:

2500 Words

This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf

Assessed Learning Outcomes

L03: Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions.

L04: Appraise and recognise use of corporate governance and ethics within a business context.

Submission Deadline:

This assignment must be received by no later than 14:00 on Tuesday, 15th

December 2020


  • This assignment must be completed individually.
  • You must use the Harvard referencing system.
  • Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
  • Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work.
  • Write your student ID number at the top of every page.
  • Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
  • You must number all pages.


In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%.

Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.

Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or other cause considered valid by the iCentre Adviser. Please contact iCentre@lca.anglia.ac.uk. A request must normally be received and agreed by the iCentre Adviser in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.56-6.65: http://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/public/academic_regs.pdf

Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please contact iCentre@lca.anglia.ac.uk

See rules 6.103 – 6.132:



This is a 2,500-word assessment and it consists of two tasks.

You are required to write a report of 1250 words on each of the two tasks.

Each task is 50% of the total marks for this module. Therefore, you must attempt both tasks.

ASSESSMENT TASK 1: (1250 words)


“Technological advances have been at the heart of economic development. Automation includes artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. It is because of these advances that productivity is increased, leading to economic growth. These benefits save money for owners. They can invest in technology, which involves capital outlay, but over the long term, they employ fewer people. Examples are the self-driving car and the algorithms that can answer customer service queries. But there are also new jobs being created by new technology. And the people hired are likely to be better skilled and making better salaries than those in the manual jobs that disappeared. Their work is also likely to involve greater responsibility. Hence, one of the basic messages of automation is that of changes in the nature of work. The new jobs require greater education and skills, and are likely to be both more satisfying and more rewarding (Morrison, 2020).


  1. Assess the impacts of innovation and technology and how it has affected the sales, profits and growth of one of the following companies.

(45 marks)

1 Spirent Communications (Plc)

2 Calisen Plc

3 Ryanair Plc

4 Kingfisher Plc

5 Vivo Energy Plc

  1. Presentation, referencing and grammar (5 marks)


Total                                                                                                   (50 marks)


  • Knowledge and understanding of technological innovation
  • Understanding of the relationships between innovation and economic development.
  • Abilities to appreciate the role of technological change in economic progress.
  • Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions


  1. Demonstrate your understanding of innovation, and the role of technological change in economic progress.
  2. A brief overview of your chosen company, and practical illustrations of how innovation has impacted the operations, sales and the profits of your chosen company.
  3. Morrison, J. (2017) The Global Business Environment, (4thedition), Palgrave.
  4. Needle, D. (2015) Business in Context, An Introduction to Business and Its Environment, (6th edition), Cengage Learning.
  5. Boddy. D. (2016) Management An Introduction, (7th edition), Pearson Press.
  6. Please visit the web site of your chosen company for its annual report and other necessary information.

Reading List

In addition to the recommended textbooks and the website of your chosen organisation, you are expected to read other textbooks and journals for your research.


“The UK Corporate Governance Code (‘the Code’) is a set of principles of good corporate governance aimed at companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The first version of the UK Code on Corporate Governance was produced in 1992 by the Cadbury Committee. The purpose of corporate governance is to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management in order to deliver long-term success of the company. The code’s function should be to help boards discharge their duties in the best interests of their companies” (Cole and Kelly, 2015).

“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organisations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in every aspect of their operations and decision-making; it is about good business citizenship” (Cole and Kelly, 2015).


  1. Evaluate the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the same organisation of your choice in Task One above. (20 marks)
  2. Apply Archie Carroll’s (1991) CSR model to your chosen organisation. (25 marks)
  3. Presentation, grammar and referencing (5 marks) Total (50 marks)


  • Knowledge and understanding of corporate governance.
    • Abilities to appraise and recognise use of corporate governance and ethics within a business context.
    • Understanding of the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
      • Understanding of a CSR model (Archie Carroll’s model) and its practical applications.


1- You must briefly discuss corporate governance, including the responsibilities of the Board of Directors to the stakeholders.

2- Explain the four areas that make up corporate social responsibility as identified by (Carroll1991).

Apply this model to your chosen company. Please give relevant practical examples to demonstrate your understanding of this model.


  1. Morrison, J. (2017) The Global Business Environment, (4thedition), Palgrave.
  2. Needle, D. (2015) Business in Context, An Introduction to Business and Its Environment, (6th edition), Cengage Learning.
  3. Boddy, D. (2016) Management An Introduction, (7th edition), Pearson Press.
  4. Please visit the web site of your chosen company for its annual report and other necessary information.

In addition to the recommended textbook, you are expected to read other textbooks and journals for your research.

Further Details:

  • This assignment must be completed individually as a management report, following the appropriate academic structure:
  • Executive summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Main body
  • Conclusions
  • Reference list
  • The word limit for this assignment is 2500 words. This word limit does not include the executive summary, tables, diagrams, appendices or references.
  • Assignment submissions will be made via Turnitin. Please ensure you have your user login and password well before the submission date.
  • If you share your work or, parts of your work, with another student this is an academic offence (collusion) and will result in a fail grade
  • You must use Harvard Referencing (citations in-text) to acknowledge your sources of information and provide a reference list (and bibliography where appropriate). Failure to do this is an academic offence and will result in a fail grade.
  • Any bibliography provided must be included as an appendix.
  • Marks will be awarded for the professionalism of the report.


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