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Jewish Americans

Jewish Americans
ELO: Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
Learning Target: The student will develop an understanding of cultural differences and similarities.
Jewish Americans key terms.docxRead about the topics from any sourceWatch Religions of The World: Judaism (video)      Task and CriterionRead about the topics from any sourceKey terms and notes on the topics are available through canvas assignment.Watch Religions of The World: Judaism (video) – Library Media Reserve.Write an essay of your understanding of the topicLength: At least two pages long.  Introduction, body and conclusionAPA StyleAdd title page and an abstract page.Double SpaceAdd References and Citations. At least three Diversify the references. Britannica and Wikipedia are not accepted as references.Times New Roman, 12 font sizeNo late or incomplete assignments are acceptedAssignments will only be accepted if submitted through canvas (No hard copy and no e-mail.


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