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Introduction State the importance of transformational change, leadership, and teamwork in delivering safer, better faster and cheaper care. Berwick’s quadruple aim Methods of process improvement in the NHS • Signpost what this essay is about A Case Example Here you can give a brief description of your chosen health process. State that this was part of a team case study. You are now writing this individually- But you can bas

Essay Title

Improving a Clinical Process Using Kaizen Methods- A Critical Discussion (1800 words)


  1. Introduction (250 words)
  2. A Case Example (350 to 400 words)
  3. A BRIEF outline of the Kaizen process and how it works to achieve change. With references. (200 words)
  4. DISCUSSION EITHER A Lean Triad Method OR the Future State Map (400 words)
  5. A Short Reflective Section (300 words) Conclusion (200-300 words)


  • State the importance of transformational change, leadership, and teamwork in delivering safer, better faster and cheaper care.
  • Berwick’s quadruple aim
  • Methods of process improvement in the NHS • Signpost what this essay is about

A Case Example

  • Here you can give a brief description of your chosen health process. State that this was part of a team case study.
  • You are now writing this individually-
  • But you can base this on the slides and data you were preparing with your team. You could include this info as appendices
  • Set out the type of unit you are studying and the issues in it, using your VOC data Pareto Chart, Fishbone Diagram Spaghetti Diagram, and Current State Map- whatever you judge as appropriate to say.
  • Remember–you could be linking these problems to the 8 wastes
  • As was happening in your team, you can–and should-highlighting areas needed for improvement on the map and mention these in this section. These are the kaizen bursts


A BRIEF outline of the Kaizen process

  • Explain how the Kaizen preparation, tools and meeting structure works in generating the current state map
  • Then go on to outline the RIPW week and how this contributes to the FUTURE state map, and how the Kaizen process is managed in the post kaizen period


  • State the importance of transformational change, leadership, and teamwork in delivering safer, better faster and cheaper care.
  • Berwick’s quadruple aim
  • Methods of process improvement in the NHS • Signpost what this essay is about



Discussion 3a

  • Here you can choose ONE of the kaizen bursts you have identified in your current state
  • Hint – 5S and Poka-yoke will be “easiest” due to lots of literature
  • Individually- recap what the issue is and what waste(s) it generates in the process.
  • Individually state how and why the chosen method will help and what are the anticipated benefits- to the process box, but also upstream and downstream (the other processes)
  • Individually consider the issues in managing the post kaizen process for this project, teamwork, leadership, etc

Discussion 3b

  • Here you can create your own INDIVIDUAL Future State Map of the process. If you do it should be shown as an appendix.
  • Discuss how you would redesign the process to improve the flow overall and address the 8 wastes.
  • You could highlight flow and bottlenecks and the notion of push and batch of patients into waiting rooms, creating queues and long delays
  • Chiefly, you would be bringing in concepts here like pulled flow, U, I, Z or T Shaped Work Cells, FIFO.
  • State the likely benefits/disbenefits of this- will it work?
  • Individually consider the issues in managing the post kaizen process for this project, teamwork, leadership, etc

Discussion 3c

  • Here you could focus on:
  • leadership in the kaizen process- your own
  • experience plus supporting references
  • teamwork in the kaizen process- your own experience plus supporting references
  • NB There won’t be room for a full model like Gibbs anymore, but you could perhaps use Driscoll if it helps you reflect. (What?, Now What?, SO What?)


  • Here you could comment on the results of your Kaizen improvement project
  • How did it deal with the wastes or improve the process?
  • What are the issues in doing Kaizen? (reflection plus literature)
  • Did your solution address the quadruple aim
  • How should organizations develop kaizen if they decide to use it?
  • What did you learn from doing the kaizen teamwork and analysis?
  • Next steps?


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