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In the UK, the study of pay data reveals that total pay for the median chief executive officer (CEO) of a FTSE 350 company increased by 82 per cent in real terms over the period 2003–2014/15. There have been some controversial pay raises among the CEOs recently. For example, remuneration package of Pascal Soriot—a CEO of Astra Zeneca Plc—rose by almost £5 million to £13 million in 2016 and pay package of Carnival Plc’s Arnold Donald rose from£6 million to £22 million in 2016 (despite the fact that Carnival Plc was ordered to pay £32 million in penalty charges relating to its deliberate pollution of the seas and intentional acts to cover it

In the UK, the study of pay data reveals that total pay for the median chief executive officer (CEO) of a FTSE 350 company increased by 82 per cent in real terms over the period 2003–2014/15. There have been some controversial pay raises among the CEOs recently. For example, remuneration package of Pascal Soriot—a CEO … Read more

Part A (1,400 words) Conduct a research in the internet to find the following case: LISBETH ENTERPRISES LIMITED V MANDY LUK IN THE COURT OF FINAL; APPEAL IN THE YEAR 2005. Please note the date of hearing of the case was in 2006. Note down: (a) The general area of law involved in the case; (10 marks) (b) The specific issue or issues in the cases; An issue is a legal question the court must answer as part of the process of deciding

Part A (1,400 words) Conduct a research in the internet to find the following case: LISBETH ENTERPRISES LIMITED V MANDY LUK IN THE COURT OF FINAL; APPEAL IN THE YEAR 2005. Please note the date of hearing of the case was in 2006. Note down: (a) The general area of law involved in the case; … Read more

Question 1 As at 31 December 2014, the summarised balance sheets of Ronaldo and Messi were as follows: On 1 January 2015, Ronaldo acquired all of the shares in Messi in exchange for 40,000 of its own newly issued shares, the fair value of which is £21 per share. You are also given the following information: (1) Included within Messi’s tangible fixed assets is property with a net book value of £100,000, which originally cost £250,000. This fixed asset (which is being depreciated on a straight-line basis over 10 years) has been appraised as having a fair value of £40

Question 1 As at 31 December 2014, the summarised balance sheets of Ronaldo and Messi were as follows: On 1 January 2015, Ronaldo acquired all of the shares in Messi in exchange for 40,000 of its own newly issued shares, the fair value of which is £21 per share. You are also given the following … Read more

Part B Describe the Value Chain Model proposed by Porter (1985). Choose and describe a business familiar to you which operates in the UK.  Use t

Part B Describe the Value Chain Model proposed by Porter (1985). Choose and describe a business familiar to you which operates in the UK.  Use the Value Chain model to examine the internal environment of your chosen business. Focus on only the relevant primary and/or supporting activities for the chosen business. Reflect on the usefulness … Read more

to measure and manage the performance of the organisation. However, in 2013 Tesco reported a 23.5% fall in half-year profits: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24361465 Subsequently, Tesco has stopped using the Steering Wheel and now uses a “Big 6 KPIs” strategy. Discuss why Tesco may have switched their approach away from using the balanced scorecard to measure and manage its overall performance, and how the new strategy may be utilised or improved to enhance future business performance. Write in report format and any supporting diagrams or tables should be placed in the appendix. Relevant resea

For many years, Tesco (https://www.tescoplc.com/investors/) used a balanced scorecard called the Steering Wheel to measure and manage the performance of the organisation. However, in 2013 Tesco reported a 23.5% fall in half-year profits: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24361465 Subsequently, Tesco has stopped using the Steering Wheel and now uses a “Big 6 KPIs” strategy. Discuss why Tesco may have … Read more

Question 1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: Analyse and critically evaluate the issues of citizenship and welfare in contemporary settings, exploring the philosophical, sociological and political elements that have affected policy, debate and practice. Question

Question 1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: Analyse and critically evaluate the issues of citizenship and welfare in contemporary settings, exploring the philosophical, sociological and political elements that have affected policy, debate and practice. Question 2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities To understand and critically synthesise research from a variety of academic disciplines … Read more

Question 1 Using the Kolb (1984) Cycle of learning reflect upon your learning process. Identify your strengths and qualities and reflect upon your personal development and provide an action plan of how you will further develop your personal learning skills. LO1: Identify the skills required within the workplace, and illustrate their use and application, particularly within management and/or practitioner context LO2: Identify

Question 1 Using the Kolb (1984) Cycle of learning reflect upon your learning process. Identify your strengths and qualities and reflect upon your personal development and provide an action plan of how you will further develop your personal learning skills. LO1: Identify the skills required within the workplace, and illustrate their use and application, particularly … Read more

Exercise 1: Question 1: For the compound cross-section shown in Figure 1a, determine the position of the Centroid (e.g. calculate the coordinates xC and yC) with respect to the origin of the coordinate system shown in this figure.

Exercise 1: Question 1: For the compound cross-section shown in Figure 1a, determine the position of the Centroid (e.g. calculate the coordinates xC and yC) with respect to the origin of the coordinate system shown in this figure. Question 2: For the compound cross-section shown in Figure 1b, calculate the Second Moment of Area of … Read more

Title: Evaluate the given system in terms of usability and user experience goals, and interaction design principles. Task details You will be responsible for the evaluation of a specified interactive system (see Appendix). You should become familiar with the design problem. Sub Task 1 Based upon your understanding of Chapter 1 of the Interaction Design textbook (Preece, Rogers and Sharp), choose five usabilities and/

Element 1 Title: Evaluate the given system in terms of usability and user experience goals, and interaction design principles. Task details You will be responsible for the evaluation of a specified interactive system (see Appendix). You should become familiar with the design problem. Sub Task 1 Based upon your understanding of Chapter 1 of the … Read more

Exercise 1 A positive integer is perfect if it equals the sum of all of its factors, excluding the number itself. Using a list comprehension, define a function perfects :: Int -> [Int] that returns the list of all perfect numbers up to a given limit. For example: Ghci>perfects 500 [6,28,496] Ghci> Exercis

Exercise 1 A positive integer is perfect if it equals the sum of all of its factors, excluding the number itself. Using a list comprehension, define a function perfects :: Int -> [Int] that returns the list of all perfect numbers up to a given limit. For example: Ghci>perfects 500 [6,28,496] Ghci> Exercise 2 Write … Read more


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