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An IMC Campaign is a series of coordinated messages centering on a single theme for all ads in the campaign. Determining a unifying theme around which an IMC campaign is built is a critical part of the creative process because it sets the tone for individual ads. The theme is the central message expressed

An IMC Campaign is a series of coordinated messages centering on a single theme for all ads in the campaign. Determining a unifying theme around which an IMC campaign is built is a critical part of the creative process because it sets the tone for individual ads. The theme is the central message expressed through … Read more

An IMC Campaign is a series of coordinated messages centering on a single theme for all ads in the campaign. Determining a unifying theme around which an IMC campaign is built is a critical part of the creative process because it sets the tone for individual ads. The theme is the central message expressed through a slogan (or tagline) that reduces the brand’s positioning into a key idea. The slogan appears in every ad to reinforce the brand

An IMC Campaign is a series of coordinated messages centering on a single theme for all ads in the campaign. Determining a unifying theme around which an IMC campaign is built is a critical part of the creative process because it sets the tone for individual ads. The theme is the central message expressed through … Read more

1.You have two puzzles with parameters as follows: Puzzle A: One sub–puzzles. k = 6. Puzzle B: Eight sub-puzzles. k = 3. You should provide, for both cases other than part (b), the following: (a)The distribution of the number of cases that require each number of hashes. (b)Explain the method you used to obtain your distributions. Don’t

1.You have two puzzles with parameters as follows: Puzzle A: One sub–puzzles. k = 6. Puzzle B: Eight sub-puzzles. k = 3. You should provide, for both cases other than part (b), the following: (a)The distribution of the number of cases that require each number of hashes. (b)Explain the method you used to obtain your … Read more

You have been asked to develop a data model for the Drip Drip Water Company (DDWC). DDWC is the sole supplier of water to the citizens and businesses of the town of Drip Drip. Each of DDWC’s customers is classified as being either residential or non-residential. Each customer has at least one water meter that measures the water consumed by the customer at a particular address. Water meters must be replaced when they have been in use for 5 years. All customers are billed monthly. Meter readers, who are employed by DDWC, are paid per meter they read. They are each allocated up to 1000 meters to read each month.

You have been asked to develop a data model for the Drip Drip Water Company (DDWC). DDWC is the sole supplier of water to the citizens and businesses of the town of Drip Drip. Each of DDWC’s customers is classified as being either residential or non-residential. Each customer has at least one water meter that … Read more

Database Design and Analysis The following database project will create an educational attainment “demand” forecast for the state of California for years greater than 2010. The demand forecast is the expected number of population who have obtained a certain level of education. The population is divided into age groups and education attainment is divided into different levels. The population of each group is estimated for each year up to year 2050. Implement the follo

Database Design and Analysis The following database project will create an educational attainment “demand” forecast for the state of California for years greater than 2010. The demand forecast is the expected number of population who have obtained a certain level of education. The population is divided into age groups and education attainment is divided into … Read more

Its 410 port  Option #1: Your Portfolio Project consists of two items, a lessons learned reflection report and a database design and analysis project. Lessons Learned and Reflection Write a 2- to 3-page summary that outlines the lessons you learned in this database class. Reflect on how these lessons can be applied toward more effective database management and reporting

Its 410 port  Option #1: Your Portfolio Project consists of two items, a lessons learned reflection report and a database design and analysis project. Lessons Learned and Reflection Write a 2- to 3-page summary that outlines the lessons you learned in this database class. Reflect on how these lessons can be applied toward more effective … Read more

Art and Art History

History. Contexts: Drawing upon the readings, lectures and course modules, what might be the object’s/monument’s relationship to its historical or artistic context? Visual Qualities: How does composition/form, material/technique, and/or iconography help to illustrate the historical or artistic context of the object/monument? Terms and Names: What terms or key figures do you think are relevant to … Read more

Phase 4 – Project Implementation

Computer Science. Phase 4 – Implementation – 4 pages Phase 4 involves Implementing the Solution. This phase is where the project is released and implemented, users are trained and testing of the solution takes place. Deliverables during this phase include any plans and documents on how implementation will be handled–in other words, how will your … Read more

Leadership Approaches.

Leadership Approaches. Paper details Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2012). Chapter 12.2: Who is a leader? Trait approaches to leadership. In Organizational behavior. Saylor Academy. Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2012). Chapter 12.3: What do leaders do? Behavioral approaches to leadership. In Organizational behavior. Saylor Academy. Fox Business. (2018, October 25). Larry Ellison: I had … Read more

FEMA National Situation Updates

Criminal Justice Topic FEMA National Situation Updates.  FEMA maintains National Situation Updates, designed to provide emergency managers with information and graphics drawn from myriad agencies, governmental, media, and other. The materials provided can be used to promote situational awareness or potentially have other applications. For this unit’s discussion, visit this website. The situation updates start … Read more


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