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Based on the SWOT analysis, in particular the Opportunities and Threats, what are the main sources of competitive advantage that the company currently has or should develop?

Based on the SWOT analysis, in particular the Opportunities and Threats, what are the main sources of competitive advantage that the company currently has or should develop? Use the four building blocks of competitive advantage explained in Chapter 1 as your framework (Efficiency, Quality, Responsiveness to Customers, Innovation). By explaining the actual or potential sources … Read more

Construct a Chart or Map of the 2020 Election for President of the US:What were some of the most troublesome states to predict versus the easiest?Discuss

Description Construct a Chart or Map of the 2020 Election for President of the US It must be based on examination of the past five Presidential Elections Electoral College votes Highlight any 15 states on how they voted in last five elections.     Construct a Chart or Map of the 2020 Election for President … Read more

Undertake a macroeconomic analysis of a chosen economy using publicly available macroeconomic data, other country specific information AND relevant macroeconomic theory:Evaluate how well the chosen economy is performing against the three primary macroeconomic objectives of achieving high and sustained GDP growth, price stability and low unemployment.

Task: To undertake a macroeconomic analysis of a chosen economy using publicly available macroeconomic data, other country specific information AND relevant macroeconomic theory. Aim: To evaluate how well the chosen economy is performing against the three primary macroeconomic objectives of achieving high and sustained GDP growth, price stability and low unemployment; to explain the significance … Read more


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