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Assignment Details: For all questions illustrate your answers fully, describing what you did at every step and providing output illustrating what output was obtained. You need to include, embedded, within your submitted work all relevant output from online servers, as appropriate, as well as a written dialogue to fully illustrate what work you carried out. For all parts describe how you obtained your data by

Assignment Details: For all questions illustrate your answers fully, describing what you did at every step and providing output illustrating what output was obtained. You need to include, embedded, within your submitted work all relevant output from online servers, as appropriate, as well as a written dialogue to fully illustrate what work you carried out. … Read more

Assessment brief/activity You are asked to develop an electronic portfolio of evidence which includes four sections that respond to the following tasks: Activity 1 Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional, making reference to the CIPD 2018 Profession Map. This can be accessed at https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession-map Activity 2

Learning outcomes: Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement, and review a personal development plan. Assessment brief/activity You are asked to develop an electronic portfolio of evidence which includes four sections that … Read more

Assignment Task: 1. Describe in detail a time when you were highly creative or struggled to be creative. What was the problem? What solution (if any) did you come up with? 2. Reflect

Assignment Task: 1. Describe in detail a time when you were highly creative or struggled to be creative. What was the problem? What solution (if any) did you come up with? 2. Reflect on the different factors that enabled you to be, or hindered you from being creative in that situation. For example, what was … Read more

Your brief is to develop an outline global marketing strategy to enable it to challenge the existing competitors in the market. The task is: Critically and briefly evaluate the trends in the international market sector in which the company operates. Against the background of your answer to Question 1, comment on how well your chosen company is placed to develop globally. Advise the company on how to develop a sustainable long-term global marketing strategy. This activity focuses on possible stra

ASSESSMENT 2 Select a company of your choice, critically evaluate and interpret its strategic, international marketing activities, and assess how the company is well placed to compete globally. Your analysis, in the format of a report, should identify international marketing opportunities for this company. Additionally, you have to develop a creative marketing strategy to expand … Read more

CASE STUDY: Sustaining the magic at Bang & Olufsen Bang & Olufsen (B&O) was founded in 1925 in Struer, Denmark and it is considered to be one of the most important Danish design icons and an important part of Danish industrial legacy. B&O is a well-known global brand with a strong focus on design and high-tech solutions in televisions, music systems, speakers, and multimedia products. The company dominates the high-end luxury segment where customers expect exclusive design, quality, and new technological solutions. In 2008, B&O was listed in the Top 20 Cool Brands as number 4 below Aston Martin, iPhone,

CASE STUDY: Sustaining the magic at Bang & Olufsen Bang & Olufsen (B&O) was founded in 1925 in Struer, Denmark and it is considered to be one of the most important Danish design icons and an important part of Danish industrial legacy. B&O is a well-known global brand with a strong focus on design and … Read more

Question 1 You have assessed a 5-year-old child in school who is difficult to understand in connected speech. Sample of words from CLEAR assessment: boat = [mɔʔ] telly = [deji] lego = [jedɔ] baby = [m

Question 1 You have assessed a 5-year-old child in school who is difficult to understand in connected speech. Sample of words from CLEAR assessment: boat = [mɔʔ] telly = [deji] lego = [jedɔ] baby = [meɪbi] t-shirt = [nidɜ:ʔ] leaf = [jiɸ] Which of Dodd’s groups might best describe this child’s speech, and why? What additional tasks … Read more

Assignment Details: You are required to carry out a forensic examination of the evidence file that you have been supplied with and forensically examine its contents. You will need to produce an expert witness report that describes the formal investigation methodology that you followed and presents your findings. It is therefore essential that you follow a formal inv

Assignment Details: You are required to carry out a forensic examination of the evidence file that you have been supplied with and forensically examine its contents. You will need to produce an expert witness report that describes the formal investigation methodology that you followed and presents your findings. It is therefore essential that you follow … Read more

Scenario 1 (use this case study scenario to do task 1 and 2 in the next page) Consider yourself working for an Economic Development agency in the South East in England and your responsibility is to explore the tourism development potentials. According to Visit Britain, in 2016 there were 19.1 million visits to London, spending £11.9bn. This represents 53% of all inbound v

Scenario 1 (use this case study scenario to do task 1 and 2 in the next page) Consider yourself working for an Economic Development agency in the South East in England and your responsibility is to explore the tourism development potentials. According to Visit Britain, in 2016 there were 19.1 million visits to London, spending … Read more

Assignment Brief: “Assessing the usefulness of the policy cycle model in understanding the British policy-making”

Assignment Brief: “Assessing the usefulness of the policy cycle model in understanding the British policy-making” Short paper In drafting this short paper (around 1000 words) you will assess the key concepts and assumptions of the policy cycle by analysing the UK government’s the Green Book (the guidance on policy appraisal and evaluation) available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/685903/The_Green_Book.pdf. … Read more

Assessment activity 1 How to be an effective and efficient HR professional – written discussion Illustrate the nature of the work you are involved in as an HR Professional (real or otherwise). You should explain the role and contribution of an HR Professional within your organisation and with reference to the CIPD’s 2018 Profession Map, provide at least ONE example of each of the following: an area of specialist knowledge, an area of core knowledge, and a core behaviour required for the role. Evaluate why you consider these examples to be important. (1.1) Undert

Assessment activity 1 How to be an effective and efficient HR professional – written discussion Illustrate the nature of the work you are involved in as an HR Professional (real or otherwise). You should explain the role and contribution of an HR Professional within your organisation and with reference to the CIPD’s 2018 Profession Map, … Read more


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