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Assignment This assignment weighs 100% of the assessment weighting for this module and covers all learning outcomes. Students will be asked to design and develop a UI based on a UX scenario, using appropriate UX design principles, and develop a 3000-word report to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of UX design principles and practical approaches. Students will have access to formative feedback on each task set in workshops, thereby helping them to refine their

Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of UX/UI design principles and techniques and evaluate their usefulness in the design and development of interactive interfaces. Identify and evaluate usability, accessibility, professional and ethical standards relating to the design and development of interactive systems. Demonstrate an ability to design, test, and evaluate interfaces using UX design principles. … Read more

MODULE AIM To develop a holistic understanding of organizations’ strategic direction via their interaction with the internal and external environment.

MODULE AIM To develop a holistic understanding of organizations’ strategic direction via their interaction with the internal and external environment. LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon the successful completion of this module, the student should be able to demonstrate the ability to: critically appraise an organization’s strategic direction. critically analyze the components of an organization’s internal and external … Read more

By the end of this unit a student will be able to: Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organization. Compare ways in which organizations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives. Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit a student will be able to: Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organization. Compare ways in which organizations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives. Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan.   … Read more

Case Study A- APPLE Apple Inc. is a technology company that was established on April 1, 1976, as Computer Company; and on January 3, 1977, Apple Computer Co. is officially incorporated, with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak listed as co-founders. By the early 1980s, Apple was no longer a start-up; rather the business been aggressively developing itself in different ways. The key challenge was “How to maintain quality as the company expanded?” The adopted approach was reflected in its slogan “T

Case Study A- APPLE Apple Inc. is a technology company that was established on April 1, 1976, as Computer Company; and on January 3, 1977, Apple Computer Co. is officially incorporated, with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak listed as co-founders. By the early 1980s, Apple was no longer a start-up; rather the business been aggressively … Read more

Assignment Details: Sal is a zero-hours contract worker for Ultra taxis. At the start of a shift, he slips on the icy steps outside the taxi office and pulls a muscle in his back. He needs to work so carries on with his shift. He picks up Hugo and Cassandra from a work Christmas party. T

Assignment Details: Sal is a zero-hours contract worker for Ultra taxis. At the start of a shift, he slips on the icy steps outside the taxi office and pulls a muscle in his back. He needs to work so carries on with his shift. He picks up Hugo and Cassandra from a work Christmas party. … Read more

Scenario You need to carry out a piece of primary research on the subject of equality and diversity in the workplace. Equality in this context means ensuring that everybody has the same access to the same opportunities without any discrimination.  For example, people are not rejected for a job, denied a promotion, given less important work, awarded lower performance appraisal marks or treated in any other way that is unfair because of their race, age, gender, sexu

Scenario You need to carry out a piece of primary research on the subject of equality and diversity in the workplace. Equality in this context means ensuring that everybody has the same access to the same opportunities without any discrimination.  For example, people are not rejected for a job, denied a promotion, given less important … Read more

Scenario Consider that you have recently been appointed as a business researcher. You are required to fulfil the following activities in a research report format which also includes a personal reflective statement. The assignment requires that you undertake a research project related to Equality and diversity in the workplace in your chosen org

Scenario Consider that you have recently been appointed as a business researcher. You are required to fulfil the following activities in a research report format which also includes a personal reflective statement. The assignment requires that you undertake a research project related to Equality and diversity in the workplace in your chosen organisation. (an organisation … Read more

Hinge is a local company that has developed a dating application for mobile phones. Both men and women subscribe to the mobile application where they are matched. Besides people liking each other, the ‘value’ of likes has declined over time as many users like each other in the app but do not message each other, let alone meet face-to-face. The company is considering introducing an additional feature on the app, where a signaling mechanism is used. Complete the two tasks below based on the working paper ‘Soohyung Lee & Muriel Niederle

Hinge is a local company that has developed a dating application for mobile phones. Both men and women subscribe to the mobile application where they are matched. Besides people liking each other, the ‘value’ of likes has declined over time as many users like each other in the app but do not message each other, … Read more

Assignment Brief: Find the truth value of ((¬ P /\ Q) ⇒ (R ⇔ ¬ Q)) \/ S if P is true, Q is true, R is false, and S is true. What is the truth value for the expression if the brackets are omitted? Rewrite the statement removing any unnecessary brackets and explain which (if any) brackets can be omitted or have to be kept. Consider the pr

Assignment Brief: Find the truth value of ((¬ P /\ Q) ⇒ (R ⇔ ¬ Q)) \/ S if P is true, Q is true, R is false, and S is true. What is the truth value for the expression if the brackets are omitted? Rewrite the statement removing any unnecessary brackets and explain which … Read more

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed: B1: COMPUTATION THINKING: Develop and understand algorithms to solve problems; measure and optimize algorithm complexity; appreciate the limits of what may be done algorithmically in a reasonable time or at all. B2: PROGRAMMING: Create working solutions to a variety of computational and real-world problems using multiple programming languages chosen as appropriate for the task. B4: DATA SCIENCE:

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed: B1: COMPUTATION THINKING: Develop and understand algorithms to solve problems; measure and optimize algorithm complexity; appreciate the limits of what may be done algorithmically in a reasonable time or at all. B2: PROGRAMMING: Create working solutions to a variety of computational and real-world problems using multiple programming languages chosen as appropriate … Read more


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