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INTRODUCTION “Organisations cannot be seen as independent of their environment. The environment is the source of all resources that an organization requires to create value and is where the customers who are willing to pay for the organisation’s products or services are found. It is therefore essential for an organisation to stay in tune with and adapt its strategy to its environment

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS You are required to produce a 2,500-word report that looks to satisfy three tasks. INTRODUCTION “Organisations cannot be seen as independent of their environment. The environment is the source of all resources that an organization requires to create value and is where the customers who are willing to pay for the organisation’s products … Read more

Assignment 1: Wireshark has two ways of filtering traffic, and (unfortunately) two different languages for specifying the filters. One language and GUI element specify which captured packets to display in Wireshark’s panes; the other specifies which packets to capture. Captured packets can be further drilled down by display filters. So why filter at the capture state at all? Because on a busy network the memory footprint of Wireshark capturing all packets grows really fast, and the reaction of the GUI grows sluggis

Assignment 1: Wireshark has two ways of filtering traffic, and (unfortunately) two different languages for specifying the filters. One language and GUI element specify which captured packets to display in Wireshark’s panes; the other specifies which packets to capture. Captured packets can be further drilled down by display filters. So why filter at the capture … Read more

Read the following scenario: ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Scenario You are Simon / Simone, the new associate analyst of Landtech, a London based financial services consultancy. Today is 09.00 am Monday 21st September and you have received the following e-mail Subject Wandsleigh Wands Steve Jobbers steve.jobbers@landtech.co.uk Sun 20th September 2020 22.15 Simon / Simone s.rihad@landtech.co.uk Good morning We met during your induction and I am delighted to pass you your first assignment for the company. We have been contacted by a new client, Wandsleigh Wands Ltd. They are a UK privately owned company focusing upon the manufactor of techniology products under licence (covering the period 2018-2028). Their stated aim is to be able to compete with Oxford Instruments Plc and whilst this is a laudable ambition any benchmarking may be more useful to smaller TechMark company (or maybe OI plus a closer proxy company). Hire a Professional Essay & Assignment Writer for completing your Academic Assessments +44-755-536-9184 Chat Now info@studentsassignmenthelp.com A range different products are produced each period to meet existing client orders. Currently the company is direct labour-intensive orientated utilising highly skilled and qualified staff. Due to the nature of the jobs, there is a low level of indirect costs relative to direct costs. Our clients financial performance has been deteriorating although not significantly affected by Covid-19. The directors have set out a proposal to change the operational structure of the business and have asked for our independent critique of the proposal. They claim to demand an investment return of 20% on all parts of the business. The directors have a difficult relationship with the owners so treadcarefully. In particular the owners are not strong advocates of the company CSR efforts to support reduce reliance on traditional energy and to support local charities. In the file posted on the server (VLE) I have shared some initial research and baseline figures. You must undertake the following critical analysis: Assignment Task You are required to prepare a report, using the information provided above covering the following areas: Benchmark the financial result of the client company against Oxford Instruments and your preferred proxy company. A spreadsheet model forecasting the impact of the proposal over the next 5 years of the business case and a critical evaluation of the proposal using investment appraisal techniques and relevant benchmarking concluding with a critical discussion of the results of this analysis. Note the spreadsheet will be developed collabritively by your colleagues and your tutors An up-to-date estimate of the company’s cost of capital using publicly available data considering a risk neutral (DVM) and risk changing(CAPM) approach. Assess the impact of your revised cost of capital on the proposal. Critically evaluate the proposal as it stands and make recommendations to improve the viability of the proposal. A discussion and evaluation of how the company might meet the funding requirements of the proposal. A brief critical discussion of the corporate social responsibility issues raised by the proposal. A critical, supported conclusion providing recommendations for the adoption or otherwise of the proposal.

Read the following scenario: ASSIGNMENT QUESTION Scenario You are Simon / Simone, the new associate analyst of Landtech, a London based financial services consultancy. Today is 09.00 am Monday 21st September and you have received the following e-mail Subject Wandsleigh Wands Steve Jobbers  steve.jobbers@landtech.co.uk Sun 20th September 2020 22.15 Simon / Simone s.rihad@landtech.co.uk Good morning … Read more

ssessment Coursework: Write a 3000-word essay on: Fifty years ago, Milton Friedman wrote his influential article ‘The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits’

Assessment Coursework: Write a 3000-word essay on: Fifty years ago, Milton Friedman wrote his influential article ‘The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits’.   Drawing on the ethical theories you have learned in the course, discuss whether Friedman’s article should still be used as a guide for managers.

Learning Outcomes LO1 Utilise a range of research techniques within the area of fashion promotion and marketing (Enquiry) L02 Demonstrate the ability to analyse data and information (Knowledge) LO3 Employ verbal and visual presentation skills to communicate findings (Communication) Context This unit is designed to introduce you to the fashion promotion and marketing landscape. You will investigate how the fashion marketing, media, and promotion environments are intrinsically linked, and examine the motivation and behaviours of d

Learning Outcomes LO1 Utilise a range of research techniques within the area of fashion promotion and marketing (Enquiry) L02 Demonstrate the ability to analyse data and information (Knowledge) LO3 Employ verbal and visual presentation skills to communicate findings (Communication) Context This unit is designed to introduce you to the fashion promotion and marketing landscape. You … Read more

Assignment Brief and Guidance: Scenario You are employed as an Assistant Engineer by a large Design and Build construction firm in their central Birmingham office. The firm has recently appointed a new Managing Director who has given you several tasks for mathematical analysis and solutions. The tasks foc

Assignment Brief and Guidance: Scenario You are employed as an Assistant Engineer by a large Design and Build construction firm in their central Birmingham office. The firm has recently appointed a new Managing Director who has given you several tasks for mathematical analysis and solutions. The tasks focus on a variety of problems and some … Read more

Project Brief As a graduate civil engineer, you have been appointed as the lead consultant to advise on traffic and transportation issues relating to proposals for the building of a new city in Southeast Asia. The site is located off a major highway single 2-lane on the site of a former coal mining quary. Specifically, you are required to Provide pavement design solutions for the major highway to accommodate the anticipated traffic generated as a result of th

Project Brief As a graduate civil engineer, you have been appointed as the lead consultant to advise on traffic and transportation issues relating to proposals for the building of a new city in Southeast Asia. The site is located off a major highway single 2-lane on the site of a former coal mining quary. Specifically, … Read more

PROJECT BRIEF Generator installation Project The Highway Agency manages many maintenance facilities throughout the Country to provide repairs and preventative maintenance to motorway and trunk roads.  One of these maintenance facilities is located in Essex and requires a new generator. To accomplish the objectives of this project, the Agency is looking to appoint a Project manager to coordinate the works of consultants and contractors to the completion of the project as described in this Scope of W

PROJECT BRIEF Generator installation Project The Highway Agency manages many maintenance facilities throughout the Country to provide repairs and preventative maintenance to motorway and trunk roads.  One of these maintenance facilities is located in Essex and requires a new generator. To accomplish the objectives of this project, the Agency is looking to appoint a Project … Read more

Individual Assignment  Weightage : 80%  Introduction to Programming in Java Assignment (100 marks) Canned food Inventory System  A warehouse is designed to store canned food in a standard bin.  Each bin can store up to 10 canned foods.  Each bin only stores the same type of canned food.  All the bin stores different type of canned food. 

Individual Assignment  Weightage : 80%  Introduction to Programming in Java Assignment (100 marks) Canned food Inventory System  A warehouse is designed to store canned food in a standard bin.  Each bin can store up to 10 canned foods.  Each bin only stores the same type of canned food.  All the bin stores different type of … Read more

The Cooperation between lifelong enemies

A research paper between 5000-6750 words (including proper footnotes and bibliography) on a specific research question selected by the student and approved by the professor.  b.  Your paper must be original insofar as you are expected to not merely summarize the sources pertaining to the research question.  Rather, you must offer a reasoned interpretation and … Read more


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