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Cool Eco Bottles Cool Eco Bottles  Web-based Order Handling System Cool Eco Bottles is a small-sized company, which sells over 20 different styles of insulated reusable water bottles. The company is 2 years old and has grown sharply over the last year mainly due to the anti-single use of plastic and a sustainable marketing drive. The market response to their product has been tremendous, retail outlets have done very well. T

Cool Eco Bottles Cool Eco Bottles  Web-based Order Handling System Cool Eco Bottles is a small-sized company, which sells over 20 different styles of insulated reusable water bottles. The company is 2 years old and has grown sharply over the last year mainly due to the anti-single use of plastic and a sustainable marketing drive. … Read more

Core Concept – Business Plan Based on the modules covered throughout the program, and your learning experiences, you are required to draft a business plan for a business of your choosing. This could be as a sole trader, a partnership, or a limited company, and is not specifically related to forming a business in Ireland. As it is your business plan which represents your business op

Core Concept – Business Plan Based on the modules covered throughout the program, and your learning experiences, you are required to draft a business plan for a business of your choosing. This could be as a sole trader, a partnership, or a limited company, and is not specifically related to forming a business in Ireland. … Read more

Part B: For this part of the assignment, you will need to develop a lesson plan on a topic of your choice within your own discipline area. The assignment should include a lesson plan based on Gagne’s events of instruction, use the template included

Part B: For this part of the assignment, you will need to develop a lesson plan on a topic of your choice within your own discipline area. The assignment should include a lesson plan based on Gagne’s events of instruction, use the template included in the cover sheet used for the submission of assignments (see … Read more

Project Brief As a graduate civil engineer, you have been appointed as the lead consultant to advise on traffic and transportation issues relating to proposals for the building of a new city in Southeast Asia. The site is located off a major highway single 2-lane on the site of a former coal mining quary. Specifically, you are required to Provide pavement design solutions for the major highway to accommodate the anticipated traffic generated as a result of the new oil field development Advice on t

Project Brief As a graduate civil engineer, you have been appointed as the lead consultant to advise on traffic and transportation issues relating to proposals for the building of a new city in Southeast Asia. The site is located off a major highway single 2-lane on the site of a former coal mining quary. Specifically, … Read more

Assignment Details: The IB Learner Profile describes 10 attributes that are valued by the IB and can help individuals and groups work towards the aim of the IB programme, which is “to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common h

Assignment Details: The IB Learner Profile describes 10 attributes that are valued by the IB and can help individuals and groups work towards the aim of the IB programme, which is “to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful … Read more

Assignment Brief: You have required to complete a 1,000 – 1,200 word assignment outlining the elements of effective practice within School Age Childcare provision and the significance of collaboration with others – children, young people, parents, schools, the wider community.

Assignment Brief: You have required to complete a 1,000 – 1,200 word assignment outlining the elements of effective practice within School Age Childcare provision and the significance of collaboration with others – children, young people, parents, schools, the wider community.   You should address the following as part of your response: Define what school-age childcare … Read more

PROJECT BRIEF Generator installation Project The Highway Agency manages many maintenance facilities throughout the Country to provide repairs and preventative maintenance to motorway and trunk roads.  One of these maintenance facilities is located in Essex and requires a new generator. To accomplish the objectives of this project, the Agency is looking to appoint a Project manager

PROJECT BRIEF Generator installation Project The Highway Agency manages many maintenance facilities throughout the Country to provide repairs and preventative maintenance to motorway and trunk roads.  One of these maintenance facilities is located in Essex and requires a new generator. To accomplish the objectives of this project, the Agency is looking to appoint a Project … Read more

Module 5 Discussion: The Good and the Bad There are many points in the Silk Road case that could make up entire modules by themselves. Depending on the side of the argument you stand, some points are good and some points are bad. I personally believe there was plenty of evidence to show Ross Ulbricht’s involvement as an administrator of Silk Road, but I take issue with him having a life sentence. While there were some great investigative methods in Silk Road, all together it was a ch

Module 5 Discussion: The Good and the Bad There are many points in the Silk Road case that could make up entire modules by themselves. Depending on the side of the argument you stand, some points are good and some points are bad. I personally believe there was plenty of evidence to show Ross Ulbricht’s … Read more

Assignment Details and Requirements: Case Study: Kaplan has engaged you to design and implement an office network for a new office comprising HR executives (4), sales consultants (6), and Accounting executives (6). The new office is to be located on Orchard Road. The HR executives are responsible for staff recruitments for the main campus at Wilkie Edge, the sales consultants are responsible

Assignment Details and Requirements: Case Study: Kaplan has engaged you to design and implement an office network for a new office comprising HR executives (4), sales consultants (6), and Accounting executives (6). The new office is to be located on Orchard Road. The HR executives are responsible for staff recruitments for the main campus at … Read more

Tasks and requirements Section 1 Context and Requirement Context This assignment draws upon topics covered in Theme 5 of the programme. In the current financial environment, it can be seen that Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) activity is high. The following is an adapted extract from an interview with the CEO of a UK company: The Board o

MSc and Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Accountancy Global Issues for the Finance Professional Tasks and requirements Section 1 Context and Requirement Context This assignment draws upon topics covered in Theme 5 of the programme. In the current financial environment, it can be seen that Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) activity is high. The following is an … Read more


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