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Describe in detail, using labelled diagrams, how you would purify a contaminated bacterial culture using the streak-plate procedure. (25 marks) Describe the differences between the structure of a Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial cell wall. (25 marks) Describe how environmental factors can affect bacterial growth. Use examples to illustrate your answer. (25 marks)

Describe in detail, using labelled diagrams, how you would purify a contaminated bacterial culture using the streak-plate procedure. (25 marks) Describe the differences between the structure of a Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial cell wall. (25 marks) Describe how environmental factors can affect bacterial growth. Use examples to illustrate your answer. (25 marks) You are provided … Read more

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” Charles Darwin. Discuss the future of the conference industry and the implications for Buyers and Suppliers Do include

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” Charles Darwin. Discuss the future of the conference industry and the implications for Buyers and Suppliers Do include the following strategic measures & their implications on buyers & suppliers – 1) Unusual venues 2) … Read more

Question 1: Functional Programming Create the following functions, and any other auxiliary function you consider necessary, using the Functional Programming style: • read_lines_in_text(fname): read in memory a text file with filename fname and output an iterable over non empty text lines. • define a collection of forbidden words that contain at least the following strings: ‘Illustration’,’*’, ‘#’,’_facing_’,’_page’ . • define a function to filter lines when they contain one of the words in the collection of f

Exercises Download the Plain Text UTF-8 file “The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault by Charles Perrault” from https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/29021 . In the following this file is referred to as the text. Question 1: Functional Programming Create the following functions, and any other auxiliary function you consider necessary, using the Functional Programming style: • read_lines_in_text(fname): read in … Read more

A local company requires to rent virtual machines (VRs) from cloud providers to carry out daily computational tasks. At the moment, it rents about 500 virtual machines, or called servers. Their CPU’s hourly usages in percentage have been collected over a month from 24 Oct 2016 to 23 Nov 2016. It has features: Server_Name, Timestamp, Number_of_Processors, Usage-percentage, Weekday (Boolean). A report shou

A local company requires to rent virtual machines (VRs) from cloud providers to carry out daily computational tasks. At the moment, it rents about 500 virtual machines, or called servers. Their CPU’s hourly usages in percentage have been collected over a month from 24 Oct 2016 to 23 Nov 2016. It has features: Server_Name, Timestamp, … Read more

Your role is to act as a Business Intelligence IT consultant for a business organization of your own choice (e.g. university, banking, health, retail or airline as a business). You could invent a case study of an organization; however, we suggest you find a case study of an existing organization. Your chosen organization could already have a BI solution that is out of date or may not have a BI solution as yet. You should research and critically evaluate methodol

Your role is to act as a Business Intelligence IT consultant for a business organization of your own choice (e.g. university, banking, health, retail or airline as a business). You could invent a case study of an organization; however, we suggest you find a case study of an existing organization. Your chosen organization could already … Read more

The geographic dispersion of industrial and service activities, for example research development, sourcing of factor inputs, production and distribution, and the cross –border networking of companies, for example through joint ventures and the sharing of assets.’’ Globalisation has led to increasing competition and an economic and financial shift from developing to emerging economies. It promotes a sense of cultural awareness, international co-operation and global economic interdepe

Background to the theme The OECD defines globalisation as the following. ‘’The geographic dispersion of industrial and service activities, for example research development, sourcing of factor inputs, production and distribution, and the cross –border networking of companies, for example through joint ventures and the sharing of assets.’’ Globalisation has led to increasing competition and an … Read more

You should complete all three tasks below. The word limit for the assignment as a whole is 3,000 words. Question 1 Radical criminology assumes that the ultimate purpose of criminal justice is to maintain the existing social structure, and specifically the class structure. Yet most of its work involves dealing with offences and victimisation that take place within the working class. How can we explain this? (1000 words) (33 marks) (LOs 1 – 5) Questio

You should complete all three tasks below. The word limit for the assignment as a whole is 3,000 words. Question 1 Radical criminology assumes that the ultimate purpose of criminal justice is to maintain the existing social structure, and specifically the class structure. Yet most of its work involves dealing with offences and victimisation that … Read more

Case Study: St. Luke’s Hospital: Recently St. Luke’s Hospital, a thoroughly modern hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, had a new problem. Its performance appraisal system was rapidly becoming an insurmountable pile of papers; and with 1,325 employees, the HR staff recognised that changes were needed. St. Luke’s performance appraisal system had evolved over the years into a format, with about 20 pages per employee. Although some of the length was due to concerns about meeting numerous federal, state, and health-care industry requirements, other facets of the system had been developed for administrative reasons. The existing performance appraisal system was based on a combination of job descriptions an

Case Study:   St. Luke’s Hospital: Recently St. Luke’s Hospital, a thoroughly modern hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, had a new problem. Its performance appraisal system was rapidly becoming an insurmountable pile of papers; and with 1,325 employees, the HR staff recognised that changes were needed. St. Luke’s performance appraisal system had evolved over the years … Read more

Assignment problem: Bridget is the beneficiary of a trust established by her grandfather, Alan. Alan appointed his solicitor, Felicity, to act as the trustee. The Trust Document included several clauses including an exemption clause that stated: ‘No trustee shall be liable for any loss or damage which may happen to the fund or any part thereof or the income thereof at any time or from any cause whatsoever.’ In March last year, the trust fund was valued at £350,000.

Assignment problem: Bridget is the beneficiary of a trust established by her grandfather, Alan. Alan appointed his solicitor, Felicity, to act as the trustee. The Trust Document included several clauses including an exemption clause that stated: ‘No trustee shall be liable for any loss or damage which may happen to the fund or any part … Read more


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