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Explain how politics and economics may influence health and the health care system from your own perspective

Explain how politics and economics may influence health and the health care system from your own perspective. Analyze whether the political and/or economic systems play a major role in your or your familys access to health and explain why. Then, describe how government intervention using the program example described in the case study about the Progresa/Oportunidades program in Mexico, might benefit a health care system. Be specific and provide examples.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the case study Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico. Then, prepare your response to the following questions:
In general, how do politics and economics influence health and health care?
What might the benefits be of awarding the mothers cash grants as described in the case study about the Progresa/Oportunidades program?
What social problems might be created by giving the mothers cash grants as described in the case study?
As described in the case study, do you think the resources were ethically distributed? (Think about stereotyping.)
What changes do you think should be made to the Progresa/Oportunidades program, if any?
If the Progresa/Oportunidades program were to be discontinued for any reason, what could you, as a nurse, say that might help to maintain funding?
Do you think a similar program, one like the Progresa/Oportunidades program, might work in your community? Why or why not?

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