If you’re writing your answer, provide it inf you’re recording your answer via audio or video, keep the video between 3 and 5 minutes. Be sure to support your answer by referring to some of the key concepts outlined in the module readings, and (in written work) to provide citations when you quote or paraphrase the readings or (in audio or video) to mention the source and location of the information you’re citing. Review your classmates’ answers, and add two comment

If you’re writing your answer, provide it inf you’re recording your answer via audio or video, keep the video between 3 and 5 minutes. Be sure to support your answer by referring to some of the key concepts outlined in the module readings, and (in written work) to provide citations when you quote or paraphrase the readings or (in audio or video) to mention the source and location of the information you’re citing. Review your classmates’ answers, and add two comments into the discussion board. Leave a specific comment or provide additional feedback about their answer; ask a generative question (that can’t be answered by “yes” or “no”) that anyone could reply to, so others can add to your reply. Be respectful of other people’s opinions or perspectives that may be different from your own. Discussion Instructions: Locate a YouTube video (5 minutes or fewer in length) that is a conflict scene from a movie or TV show. Be sure that your content is suitable for all viewers (for example, that it does not contain any gratuitous violence). Make sure to provide the URL in your post so that others can access it. Answer the following questions in writing or in an audio/video recording: Identify the type of relationship demonstrated by the people in the conflict. What conflict style is used in the scene? Consider the content of Chapter 8 of the textbook for this answer. What is influencing the conflict? Consider the influences of conflict from Chapter 8, and the influences of relationship challenges in Chapter 10 of the textbook, for this answer. What approaches could the person(s) in the video use to help to resolve their conflict? Consider the contents of Chapters 10 and 11 of the textbook for this answer.


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