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Question: Your Task Review a specified listed company and evaluate them considering the content covered in this subject. Assessment Description You are required to review and research annual and sustainability reports, recent news articles and any other relevant information relating to any one of the following 8 companies: Rio Tinto


Your Task

Review a specified listed company and evaluate them considering the content covered in this subject.

Assessment Description

You are required to review and research annual and sustainability reports, recent news articles and any other relevant information relating to any one of the following 8 companies:

  • Rio Tinto
  • AGL
  • CSL
  • Domino’s
  • Macquarie Banking Group
  • AMP
  • Telstra Corporation
  • QBE Insurance Group

Through this, you will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts covered in the subject and the ability to apply them to a publicly listed company.

Addressing the following questions:

  1. What is this company’s governance structure? How does this structure function to allow the company to operate successfully and responsibly?
  1. What processes and policies does this company have in place to address the following areas:
  • Discrimination
  • Exploitation
  • Corruption
  • Dishonest and Fraudulent Behaviour
  • Protection for Whistleblowers

In your judgement, how adequate are these policies and to what extent are these areas audited and enforced?

  1. What are the values of this company according to their website or reports? In your opinion, are these values reflected in the approach taken in the areas discussed above?


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