The power of radio went beyond a live connec4on between the world and its inhabitants. It was also the power to engage people’s imagina4ons and s4r them to ac4on or belief. Adolf Hitler mesmerized radio audiences in Nazi Germany. President Franklin D. Roosevelt calmed Americans’ anxiety by radio during the Great Depression.
Does Orson Welles deserve praise or cri4cism? In an entertainment program such as “War of the Worlds,” is a clear dis4nc4on between the real and the fake important? Should that be lei to audiences to figure out, or is it a trivial ques4on, best lei up to the broadcasters themselves?
In presen4ng what appear to be real news bulle4ns, does that approach do anything to the credibility, the believability, of legi4mate news bulle4ns presented by newscasters? Is that an important issue? How should broadcasters deal with this ques4on?