Your Mission Choose a topic from the Responsible Business Report that you would like to influence. Choose a department where you want to integrate that topic. Design a balanced scorecard where you identify: The objective for the department (in line with the topic) A key

Your Mission

  1. Choose a topic from the Responsible Business Report that you would like to influence.
  2. Choose a department where you want to integrate that topic.
  3. Design a balanced scorecard where you identify:
  4. The objective for the department (in line with the topic)
  5. A key performance indicator (KPI) that the department would be measured on for meeting that objective.
  6. An initiative (action/project) that would help attain the desired KPI measure. The BSC should cover three of the four perspectives (the financial perspective is not needed here).


Your evaluation will be simple and based on three things:

  1. Did you actually build a BSC?
  2. Does it connect to Radisson’s goals as stated in their Responsible Business Report? (Please refer to the page of the report to make this clear.)
  3. Is your idea different from anyone else’s idea – and interesting/good/realizable?


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