please write the topic that you choose

Please choose and write about only one topic.

The students are expected to select ONE of the topics and prepare an informative paper according to the criteria below:

Topic 1- Detailed explanation of the reasons for near-misses of aircraft and recommendations for prevention

Topic 2- Comprehensive information about 3 ongoing international Air Traffic Management projects

Topic 3- Comprehensive infomation about conflict for airspace boundaries, focusing on a case: FIR Problem over Aegean Sea

Topic 4- Detailed explanation of the reasons for terrorist attacks at aviation facilities, focusing on a case: terrorist attack at Zaventem (Brussels)

1-It is expected to give accurate information.

2-The references must be academic references and/or official web pages of Civil Aviation Authorities and/or institutions or NGOs only, the internet resources such as skybrary, wikipedia, etc will not be accepted.

3-The paper should give some advices and guidance to the reader in the conclusion part.

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