What topic was discussed in the podcast that you would like to explore further and why?

After you listen to the episode, write a narrative response (500 words minimum) to the podcast. Make sure to tell me what podcast/episode you listened to, who the hosts are, and who the guest is. You’ll also want to include where each of them works and what they do–this is not part of the word count, it should be part of the heading, basically.Summarize the content of the episode you listened to, but please do not use the website/app description in your summary (that’s plagiarism, and not good). What were the topics discussed? Did you have some understanding of the topic before you listened to the episode? What interested you most about this episode? What topic was discussed in the podcast that you would like to explore further and why?Tell me about what you were surprised to learn about the topic. You can discuss something you found relatable. Perhaps something the guest and host(s) discussed sparked an idea for your career, research interests, or otherwise. Essentially, you should reflect on what you heard in the podcast and what it sparked for you in terms of professional/career ideas, research, school, life.The post What topic was discussed in the podcast that you would like to explore further and why? appeared first on Accredited Research Writers


The post What topic was discussed in the podcast that you would like to explore further and why? appeared first on Template.


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