Case study 3A Maureen Maureen is a data analyst who works in a large government state department dealing with drug and alcohol abuse. The agency administers programs for individuals with drug and alcohol problems and maintains a huge database of information on the clients who use these services. Some of the data files contain the names and current addresses of clients. Maureen has been asked by her supervisor Max to take a look at the track records of the treatment programs. She is to put together a report that contains the number of clients seen in each program each month for the past five years: l

Case study for professional year
****case study, instruction, and assignment I have pasted this all-in-one doc******* need fill the bottom assignment ***
Case study
3A Maureen
Maureen is a data analyst who works in a large government state department dealing with drug and alcohol abuse. The agency administers programs for individuals with drug and alcohol problems and maintains a huge database of information on the clients who use these services. Some of the data files contain the names and current addresses of clients. Maureen has been asked by her supervisor Max to take a look at the track records of the treatment programs. She is to put together a report that contains the number of clients seen in each program each month for the past five years: length of each client’s treatment, number of clients who return after completion of a program, criminal histories of clients, and so on. In order to put together this report, Maureen has been given access by Max to all files in the agency’s main server. After assembling the data into a file that includes the clients’ names, she downloads the file to her office computer. Under pressure from Max to get the report finished by the deadline, Maureen decides she will have to work at home over the weekend in order to finish on time. She copies the file to a USB and takes it home. After finishing the report, she leaves the USB at home and forgets about it.
What professional ethical dilemmas are Maureen and Max dealing with here? (e.g. Should we allow or sanction Maureen’s behaviour? Is there a public interest question raised by this scenario? What actions do everyone involved need to take to ensure that this kind of situation does not occur again?)
Assignment 1, Part 2 is broken down into three separate sections. All three sections are found in the template and are allotted separate pages. As an MS WORD file students may alter or play with the formatting of this file providing they do not delete required sections. Make sure you have read all the topics in this Module before attempting to do this assignment.
Section 1 – Thomas White’s Framework
This section aims to apply Thomas White’s framework to make an analysis of your allocated Case Study. Make sure you have read Topic 3 before attempting this section.
1. Read the Thomas White article, “Resolving an Ethical Dilemma,” before attempting the assignment. The article explains the key concepts and processes you will need to use.
2. Read your assigned Case Study from Assignment 1, Part 1.
3. Use the Template and Thomas White’s framework to make an analysis of your individual case study.
Note: You need to provide responses in all three fields of the form (1,2, & 3). You should input 350-500 words total in this section.

Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment
This section deals with applying the ACS Code of Conduct and the Australian Regulatory Framework (Legislation and AS/ISO Standards). Make sure you have read Topic 4 before attempting this section. See additional links to reference materials at the conclusion of these instruction.
1. Fill in the boxes on the assignment page as per the instructions.
2. Cite all the relevant clauses along with each sub-clause applicable to your allocated Case Study.
Section 3 – Justifying a Decision and Recommending Appropriate Action
This section of the assignment focuses on what you think are the most appropriate responses to the dilemma. Section 3 is your chance to have a say on the issues involved. You should be brief but to the point here. We encourage you to reflect here, so don’t be too worried about going over the word limit. You will not be penalized for doing so.
1. Make short text responses to the five (5) questions in the spaces provided.
Each response should be between 50 – 80 words (Total 400 words approx).
Submitting Your Assignment
1. Once you have completed your responses to all sections of the template you should save the template as a separate file “Student_Name_Assignment 1”.
2. Click on the “Submit Assignment” button + “Choose File.-
3. Upload your saved file.
4. Review the Similarity Pledge and check the box indicating that you understand and agree to the pledge.
5. Click the “Submit Assignment” button.

For more detailed instruction, the assessment rubric, ACS Code of Professional Conduct, and more, please visit the links below:
Assignment 1 – Professionalism Ethics and Governance – Instructions
Assignment 1 – Student FAQs
ACS Code of Professional Conduct v2.1
Australian Laws and Acts
Applicable Standards List
ISO IEC Standards Relevant to ICT
******Need to this part with the help of up case study and up instruction I have pasted this all in one*******
ACS Assignment Cover Sheet
Subject Name: Professional Environments (Module 1 – Assignment 1)
Assignment Name/Number: Assignment 1 – Professionalism, Ethics and Governance
Date of Submission:
Case Study Name/No.
Participant Name:
ACS Member Number:
Declaration: ? Check this box
I declare that the assignment is based on my own work and that all material previously written or published in any source by any other person has been duly acknowledged in the assignment. I have not submitted this work, or a significant part thereof, previously as part of any academic program. In submitting this assignment, I give ACS permission to copy for assessment purposes only.

Section 1 – The White Framework
Student Instructions: Fill in the Table below using short sentences or dot points to make a list in each section. You must fill out all three table cells under Issues/Results prior to marking it as complete. You should input 350-500 words into this section.
Case Study
Name & Number:
Step Process/Step Issues/Results
Step 1: Analyze – The Consequences

Step 2: Analyze – The Actions

Step 3: Make A Decision

Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment
Part 1 – ACS Code of Professional Conduct Analysis
Identify the appropriate ACS Code of Professional Conduct values along with the relevant sub-paragraph topics by number and sub-paragraph (e.g. 1.2.6 (g) – endeavour to extend public knowledge and understanding of ICT). Group each by value and appropriate corresponding sub-paragraphs relevant to your case study.
Case Study:
(Name & Number)
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Value & Section: 1.2.?
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.?
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.?
ACS Code of Professional Conduct Section: 1.2.?

Section 2 – The Governance and Regulatory Environment
Part 2 – Legislative and International Standards Analysis
Identify the appropriate Australian Legislation (e.g. Fair Work Act; Privacy Act). Identify and list relevant Australian/International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (AS ISO/IEC) (e.g. AS ISO/IEC 38500:2016). Provide at least four items in each category in the boxes below.
Case Study:
Australian Legislation
AS/ISO/IEC Standards

Section 3 – Justifying a Decision and Recommending Appropriate Action
Make short text responses to the five (5) questions in the spaces provided. Each response should be between 50 – 80 words (Total not to exceed 400 words).
1. What were the most important professional ethics issues/dilemmas for you in your scenario? (Reference at least two core issues)
2. What do you believe are the most appropriate decisions to be made here for management, organisation and employees?
3. Who is responsible for taking what action here and why? (Name names!)
4. What can be done, or what strategies can be implemented to ensure that a similar situation does not occur again?
5. What did you learn from reading this scenario?


Don`t copy text!
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