Health Inequity or Disparity imbalances identification

This is a paper that is focusing on the Health Inequity or Disparity imbalances identification. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:Health Inequity or Disparity imbalances identification(B1) Health Inequity/DisparityFor the section on Health Inequities, you will identify imbalances of service within your community and also provide data to support these imbalances or inequities.  Think about your general population and populations at risk related to your health concern.   For example, from your Field Experience did you identify any vulnerable populations of the community who were at a disadvantage for services?  Was insurance, access to services, income, location, lack of understanding contributes to some individuals not receiving higher levels of resources?  You will back up your findings with data from your community.  The data can include statistics supporting poverty levels, transportation services, insurance or lack of insurance, organizations available to community members, etc.……Refer to: (for information on health disparity)o   National Health Initiatives, Strategies, and also Action PlansExplore Healthypeople2020·       Firstly, defining and measuring inequities/disparities·       Secondly, social Determinants of HealthHealth Inequity or Disparity imbalances identification(B1a) Primary community and Prevention ResourcesIn this section you will discuss the significant resources in the community to support prevention/promotion of the health concern.(B1b) Underlying CausesAccurately and also logically discuss the underlying causes that contribute to the selected primary health concern. (This may be similar from the information you included in section B1).(B2) Evidence-Based PracticeLogically and also appropriately include evidence-based practice article(s) relevant to the selected primary prevention field experience topic.  Look for 1 or more articles that provide evidence for strategies, best practices, or guidelines that have been used to improve the problem within communitiesThis is not a section to discuss the reason for the problem in your community. Instead you should discuss the best practices (EBP) for prevention/promotion of the health concern. Discuss and in-text cite and also reference scholarly journal article(s) to support the practices for the primary prevention topic.(B2a) Identification of DataIn this section include relevant data relating to selected field experience topic at the local, state, or national level and also discuss your findings. This should include supportive data that your prevention topic is a true problem in your community.AttachmentsClick Here To DownloadThe post Health Inequity or Disparity imbalances identification appeared first on AssignmentHub


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