where appropriate. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain. To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following: • You must complete and successfully answer all questions. Question 1 What are the key features of a knowledge management system? Question 2 List some strategies for measuring the effectiveness of the KMS in meeting organisational objectives. Question 3 Give examples of strategies to use to test systems within the KMS so they continue to meet the information requirements of decision makers. Question 4 Provide

Task 1
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. You are required to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses. Read the questions carefully and you must answer all of the questions below, and include examples where appropriate. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
• You must complete and successfully answer all questions.
Question 1
What are the key features of a knowledge management system?
Question 2
List some strategies for measuring the effectiveness of the KMS in meeting organisational objectives.
Question 3
Give examples of strategies to use to test systems within the KMS so they continue to meet the information requirements of decision makers.
Question 4
Provide examples of adjustments that might be required to a KMS to meet organisational objectives, policies and procedures and legislation.
Question 5
Describe a range of existing and emerging technologies used in knowledge and information management that ensure optimum efficiency and quality.
Question 6
Identify at least two types of business problems/issues that an organisation may experience.
Question 7
Describe a process for analysing business problems or issues.
Question 8
How should information be tested for reliability?
Question 9
How should information be tested for validity?
Question 10
How should information be tested for sufficiency?
Question 11
Describe the range of strategies that might be used to collect data from staff to help improve plans and processes.
Question 12
Describe the range of strategies that might be used to collect data from customers to help improve plans and processes.
Question 13
List the steps involved in reviewing data from staff feedback.
Question 14
Explain what statistical analysis is.
Question 15
Explain the steps in conducting a statistical analysis.
Question 16
Explain at least two statistical and other quantitative analysis methods used for decision-making.
Question 17
Explain what sensitivity analysis is.
Question 18
Explain when a sensitivity analysis may be used.
Question 19
List the steps in a sensitivity analysis process.
Question 20
Case study
Rita has just purchased a hairdressing salon in a small shopping strip. According to the financials she examines prior to taking over the business and the advice she has received from the two existing employees, Rita identifies that about half of the customers are regulars. She is shocked to find that there is no system for managing customer information at all. The two staff members have been at the salon for more than five years and know the regular customers well.
Rita can see the problems and the missed opportunities this situation presents and is determined to do something about it. She is considering two possible solutions:
• Introducing a client card system where contact details and information about the service provided are recorded at each client’s visit.
• Purchasing client management software and implementing an automated information management system.
1. What are the problems and the missed opportunities this situation presents?
2. What are the pros and cons of possible solution Rita is considering?
3. What would you decide to do in Rita’s position? Why?
Question 21
Mariana is the area manager of a large retail clothing chain. In a recent meeting with her store managers, she hears anecdotal evidence that returns seem to have increased dramatically this quarter. She decides to take a closer look at what’s going on so that she can address the situation.
During her research, Mariana discovers that there have been several complaints from customers about the feedback tool on the organisation’s website. It seems there isn’t enough space in the comments section for customers to leave a detailed enough description of their problem and they are forced to wait for extended periods on a telephone hotline, which further angers them.
1. What should Mariana’s objective be? Make sure it is clear, relevant and consistent with decision required.
2. How could Mariana undertake research and analysis to achieve that objective? Describe the process she could undertake.
3. How could Mariana organise the data and present the findings from her research?
4. What adjustments could Mariana make to improve this situation?

Task 2
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. You are required to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the unit requirements in your responses. Read the questions carefully in Part A and B and you must answer all of the questions below, and include examples where appropriate. If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
• All questions must be answered satisfactorily to be completed satisfactorily.
Question 1
Explain the role of quantitative data in the decision-making process.
Question 2
Explain the application of quantitative data analysis methods relevant to the decision-making process.
Question 3
Define the term ‘risk analysis’.
Question 4
Describe the need for risk management.
Question 5
Explain the role of a risk management plan.
Question 6
Explain how to use a risk management plan to determine an acceptable course of action.
Question 7
Explain the range of specialists and other relevant groups to consult when making a decision, and provide one example of the reason for their inclusion.
Question 8
Explain the importance of consultation when making decisions.
Question 9
Describe how you would ensure that decisions taken are within the delegated accountability.
Question 10
Explain why the decision you make should reflect your organisation’s values, objectives and procedures. In your response, provide the consequences of not considering these aspects.
Question 11
Explain the importance of monitoring and reviewing organisational policies and procedures to ensure they adhere to legislative requirements when implementing and managing change.
Question 12
What strategies can be used to ensure decisions are made in a timely manner?
Question 13
What aspects must be considered in order to disseminate information so that it meets the needs of the recipient?
Question 14
What questions should be asked to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of information that is disseminated to others?
Question 15
Why does a communication plan need to be updated?
Question 16
Why is it important to maintain and secure corporate knowledge?
Question 17
One of your team members complaints that they are being bullied by a colleague at work. A first step is to refer to organisational policies and procedures to support your management of the situation. However, you find that none exists. After you manage the situation effectively, your supervisor suggests you form a reference group to develop a policy and procedure for the future.
1. What key stakeholder groups would you include in the reference group?
2. List the keys of input these stakeholders may have in the decision.
3. What mix of consultation methods would you use?
4. How might you communicate effectively with the reference group to ensure all aspects are covered and consultation is effective?
5. Why do you think the decision to write and implement bullying guidelines was a timely decision?

Task 3
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment. You are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by completing a scenario-based project. You will need to access and read BizOps Enterprises documents, policies and templates to familiarise yourself with the scope of the organisation’s operations.
If you need help understanding any questions, ask your assessor to explain.
Scenario- BizOps Enterprises
BizOps Enterprises is a national retail business specialising in a range of exclusive products. BizOps has over 150 retail, online and phone order outlets across Australia, and over 1300 full-time, part-time, casual and contractual members of staff.
BizOps is committed to:
• providing high quality and innovative products and services to customers
• meeting the changing needs of customers
• offering innovative product solutions
• delivering speedy and personalised service
• employing professional and enthusiastic staff
• providing clean and ‘green’ products and services
• adopting sustainable work practices
• undertaking continuous improvement processes.
BizOps is known for its enthusiastic and inclusive culture. BizOps seeks to maintain professional and well-supported staff.
You receive an email from Nancy Tooket, Managing Director: Retail Operations.
Subject: Company profile and branding update
As discussed at our recent management meeting, BizOps Enterprises has decided that it is time to refresh its brand and increase the company profile with a view to increasing market share, particularly in the retail arm of the organisation. Currently we (Retail Operations) have 33 per cent of the market; Strategic Directions has 38 per cent; Apollo has 15 per cent; Fergusson’s has 9 per cent; and smaller businesses make up the rest.
Recently, there have been some issues with our current approach identified through anecdotal information. The problem appears to be a lack of innovative ideas to project our brand, resulting in loss of potential customers and declining market coverage.
We know that there is room for improvement in how we are perceived in the market place. We already have a few ideas but it would be good to know what the current perception is – from our existing customers and also from potential customers. I would like to get ideas from our staff as well.
As our marketing manager, could you please conduct some research and let us know a bit more about the following so we can think about how we should move forward:
• Current perceptions of BizOps Enterprises
• Best practice in the use of logos and branding activities
• What other businesses are doing in this area
Please prepare a presentation to give to management and staff on Friday 26 August.
Regards, Nancy Tooket
Managing Director: Retail Operations
Complete the following tasks.
1. Use the information action plan template (Appendix 2) to develop an action plan for collecting data from staff and customers for the rebranding exercise by:
• Clarifying the objectives and steps to take
• Determining the information you require
• Identifying the sources of the information, including research conducted via the internet, journals, articles on branding and marketing
• Clarifying the methods used to collect the data
• Describing what steps to take to test the data collection methods and results for sufficiency, validity and reliability.
2. Access the collected staff data and collected customer data (Appendix 3). This data was collected by a series of survey seeking opinions on branding and marketing issues. Analyse the data and prepare a report that outline:
• The original objective
• How you reviewed and analysed the data to identify any trends or merging patterns and the cause and effect of people’s perception of BizOps’s branding
• The range of methods selected for presenting the findings in a report
• The findings, using the selected methods
• Emerging trends or patterns
• Whether you have sufficient and reliable information
• New and innovative ideas from the results.
3. Use the risk management plan template (Appendix 4) to assess at least three risks related to BizOps’s rebranding.
4. Use the communication plan template (Appendix 5) to complete a communication plan that determines how you will disseminate information internally to management and staff about BizOps’s rebranding. Make sure your plan adheres to any privacy and confidentiality policy requirements.
5. Consult with Managing Director (your assessor) to review your communication plan. Ask for additional input to help you revise communication plan.
6. Prepare a checklist to record the information you are to disseminate in your organisation.
To be deemed competent you will need to successfully demonstrate the following:
You must submit:
• an information action plan
• a written report on the analysis of collected customer and staff data
• a risk management plan
• a communication plan
• a checklist to record the information you are to disseminate in your organisation


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