Work/ Life Balance Program Proposal

You have noticed there is a drop in energy and enthusiasm at work. As the Health Promotion Manager, you have decided it is important to develop a program that will help you and your co-workers achieve a better work-life balance.
For this Assignment, you will develop a proposal for a work-based work-life balance program that you will present to senior leadership. Your proposal should be 35 pages in length and should include the following:
An explanation of the relationship between stress and overall health
A selected health behavioral theory or model to use as a framework for your proposal on work-life balance
Targeted outcomes of the program (specifically, how will this program contribute to worklife balance in the workplace and promote coping strategies for overall population health?)
Motivators that might be included in the work-life balance program to engage employees to participate
Innovative ideas from other companies you researched in preparation for this Assignment that make sense within your theoretical framework
Three to five peer-reviewed sources.

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