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“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text … Read more

Mock Tour Guide Memo

You are a tour guide. You have 25 well-paying clients who want you to pick the ONE spot in the American Southwest that best exemplifies Southwestern culture and history. Pick that location (Las Vegas, Disneyland, the Alamo, Sun City in AZ, the Painted Desert, Santa Fe, Tombstone, or any place else) and write a 300-word … Read more

BOEING 7E7 case study

This assignment does not need to do extra research, it should purely be based on personal knowledge. I uploaded the case as well, feel free to let me know if you need any more infos.Write one-page analysis about what should the Board do? Why might the board vote yes even if the base case IRR … Read more

BOEING 7E7 case study

Part 1: I used CAPM formula to and calculated RE, I also did a calculation on WACC. Please analyze the meaning of these numbers to BOEING company. For example:  The impact of WACC on the expected return to stakeholders and the investor’s opportunity costs.  Part 1 should take one page or 1,5 pages. Part 2: … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Work: Essays should be typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font, with ample margins (min 25mm) and printed on one side of the paper only. Students must take care to provide a bibliography and to acknowledge all direct quotations, paraphrases, summaries of other people’s arguments, and other specific intellectual debts through an adequate and consistent system of … Read more

Pop Culture. Gender, Race, sexuality

– Since this is a Women, Gender, and Sexualities Studies course, your focus should be on women or gender minority characters significantly challenging typical gendered norms/behaviors and witches.  In addition, you should also address intersectionality in some way-race, empire, ability, language, etc.– need 6 academic, peer-reviewed sources analyzing a theme related to gender and film. … Read more

BOEING 7E7 case study

Part 1: I used CAPM formula to and calculated RE, I also did a calculation on WACC. Please analyze the meaning of these numbers to BOEING company. For example:  The impact of WACC on the expected return to stakeholders and the investor’s opportunity costs.  Part 1 should take one page or 1,5 pages. Part 2: … Read more


An introductory paragraph that includes a hook, a brief summary of your topic, and most importantly a strong thesis statement.Two body paragraphs that are at minimum 8 sentences each. Each should includes two points that are supported by two pieces of evidence. This evidence should come from outside research. A conclusion that sums up your … Read more

Intercultural communication

1)  Explain, in terms of their cultural differences, the relative success and failure of the efforts of China and the United States to contain the spread of the Corona-virus. 2)  Today’s China needs both individualism and collectivism. Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement by using what you have learn in this class. … Read more

Digital marketing

The answers should be in essay form, The format of the responses should be as following:    Clear essay structure: Introduction, body of analysis and conclusion    Use and explain theories and concepts to serve your statements    Case studies from folder will be required as examples, as well as complementary information collected during your research. 1)The development … Read more


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