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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 4-5pg paper about a psychological disorder and human behavior. You will pick one specific disorder to focus on and do the following: 1.    Define the disorder and discuss common symptoms    2.    Discuss the common causes of the disorder                3.    Explain how the disorder could affect … Read more

Based off of the sources provided

In a well-written and thoughtfully organized essay, answer the question listed below.  You must number your pages and use a proper citation method. Chicago-style footnotes needed. Excellent essays will demonstrate proficiency with all of the reading assignments  and draw smart connections between the readings. Establish a clear historical context in your answer. Use what you … Read more

movie review

You will be required to submit an essay on the film that we watched at the last lecture. The essays must be submitted before Tuesday noon, a late review will result in lower grades — but only one day of being late will be allowed, the essays are not accepted afterward. Other general requirements (from … Read more


Prompt Find a social issue, make an argumentative claim about it, and propose a solution that is actually plausible like the examples presented in the PPTs and in Everythings an Argument. Ongoing or global issues rarely have simple one-step solutions. Because of this, proposals can range from single-step solutions to help minimize a problem rather … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this assignment, you will combine all of the information you have learned this week to evaluate a teaching scenario. For each learning context, you will be observing a teacher in the classroom. After watching the video, answer the questions, based on your context, using the information from the week as your guide. Respond to … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss Brenden Kennely, sensitive exploration of a range of emotions and his imaginative use of a variety of characters, and how they help to reveal the humanity intrinsic to his work. using the poems “bread,” “begin,” “st brigid’s prayer,” “a great day,” “fragments,” and “a poem from a three-year-old” 5 to 6 pages. poems attached … Read more

Conflicts student athletes face in higher edcuation

Use the paper and convert it into a PowerPoint with the following instructions. Please do not fill each PowerPoint slide with lots of info. I will use what you write for a script. For example, Mental health problems may be a bullet point but do not elaborate a lot I will use the script you … Read more


Teaching Plan: Select one class period from your course syllabus and develop a teaching plan for your chosen class. Following the assignment guidelines below, develop and submit your teaching plan for the class period during week 6 and deliver a mini presentation explaining your teaching plan during week 7. Assignment Guidelines: Your teaching plan should … Read more

Sexism in Latin American Culture

Outline for proper completion of paper. 1. Choose a topic relevant to sociology. (SEXISM IN LATIN AMERICAN CULTURE) It cannot be a psychological or biological explanation.  In sociology there has to be a social interaction, which entails, at least, a dyad. 2. Use ASA or APA format. http://www.asanet.org/sites/default/files/savvy/documents/teaching/pdfs/Quick_Tips_for_ASA_Style.pdf (Links to an external site.) 3. Pay … Read more


Your final product will be some kind of multimedia project (i.e., website, podcast, video, slide deck, Prezi, etc.) that reviews a form of critical digital literacy. Synthesize what is known about this literacy, how people enact it in daily life, and how one goes about learning this literacy. You are welcome to build upon the … Read more


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