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Suggest ratios that the Board should take into consideration prior to making a decision on whether or not to seek out bond financing for the proposed hospital renovation project. As an experienced labor law attorney who recently joined the Board of Directors of the hospital system, determine whether the hospital should consider a bond to … Read more

Powerful female characters of Shakespeare’s career.

Powerful female characters have a significant role to play in the second half of Shakespeares career.  Select either Regan and Goneril form King Lear, Lady Macbeth from Macbeth, Desdemona from Othello, or Cleopatra from Antony and Cleopatra.  Discuss the way in which femininity is represented, and complicated, in the play.  How do these strong female … Read more

Unit II Journal

InstructionsIn this unit lesson, we discuss the benefits of implementing an ergonomics program. One of the most compelling reasons for the application of ergonomics is injury prevention. However, regardless of the moral and ethical arguments for injury prevention, businesses do not always find it cost effective. Consider your current or previous employer. Was there an … Read more

Unit II Assignment

InstructionsSample Ergonomics Program This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit II Lesson regarding the elements of an ergonomics program. Specifically, you will be developing an ergonomics program. As a graduate of Safety and Emergency Services program, you have decided to pursue a career as an occupational … Read more

Quality Improvement Proposal

Identify a quality improvement opportunity in your organization or practice. In a 1,250-1,500 word paper, describe the problem or issue and propose a quality improvement initiative based on evidence-based practice. Apply “The Road to Evidence-Based Practice” process, illustrated in Chapter 4 of your textbook, to create your proposal. Include the following: 1. Provide an overview … Read more

Global governances and transnational relations

The paper focuses on issues from unit four, global governance and transnational relations. These types of issues are often characterized by the difficulty of cooperation that is found in much of international relations. First, choose one of the two following global issues:1)Environmental (focus on a more specific issue such as global warming, endangered species, or … Read more

Citizen Review of Police

A common theme is emerging in both the study of criminal justice as well as among practitioners and government officials that the criminal justice system is in need of reform. One suggestion, although not a new one, is to re-examine citizen oversight/review of police.  Part 1 –  Based on findings from the academic literature, assess … Read more


Similar to last week, for the week 9 reflection, you will develop an activity for a 4-year-old who is stuck inside due to COVID-19. The activity should help support the child’s cognitive development, specifically their executive functioning skills. You will use the Washington State Guidelines and the Building the Brain’s Air Traffic Control System article … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Video#1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtT3zLWmCHg&feature=emb_logoVideo#2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMdhfBQUhtI&feature=emb_logoParagraph 1:  Share at least specific example you learned from Video #1.  Include details.  Answer must be a minimum of 100 words. Paragraph 2:  Share at least specific example you learned from Video #2.  Include details.Answer must be a minimum of 100 words. Paragraph 3:  Reflect: What country would you be interested in … Read more

Ghana Research Paper

Finish the 2 requirements I have left which are: Health Beliefs (5 points)    Discuss how your culture uses foods, herbs or supplements in healing.    Discuss how the food or herb is used and give 2 examples and their uses. History and Cultural Challenges in the United States (5 points)    Discuss current demographics and socioeconomic status … Read more


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