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6 PAGES of RESEARCH PAPER and 2 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY PromptMake an argumentative claim about the topic, and propose a solution that is actually plausible. Ongoing or global issues rarely have simple one-step solutions. Because of this, proposals can range from single-step solutions to help minimize a problem rather than solve it entirely, to multiple-step solutions … Read more

Constitutional, Sectoral, Conflicts

***Turabian (Author-Date) Stylethe final essays will require students to conduct research of both web-based and peer reviewed journals to support the essay responses. There are three essay questionsand students will have to use our textbooks as well as other externalsources as part of the assignment. Researching key ideas is helpful forstudents to familiarize themselves with … Read more

Using The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail and the film Good Night and Good Luck write an essay that informs and persuades your audience over the topic discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power.

Using The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail and the film Good Night and Good Luck write an essay that informs and persuades your audience over the topic discussing the importance of knowledge and how knowledge is power. The essay should be in MLA format and each body paragraph should include two or three pieces of … Read more

Colombia’s economy and poverty reduction

1. introduce the historical and current economic condition in Colombia. Identify if the country is an example of economic success or failure. Also discuss the theoretical perspective like Modernization theory, marxist-inspired approaches, globalization theory. 2. explain how poverty in the country has been addressed. 3. how do you evaluate the efforts to alleviate poverty in … Read more

Major theories of ethics

You will write a research paper, worth 150 points, over one of the major theories of ethics, either de-ontology or utilitarianism, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. The paper must be a minimum of 4 pages, not including Works Cited. MLA style citations and a reference list must be used and provided. You must reference … Read more


I need a reflection paper  and I need all my MLA source put into the right order.  I have the instruction papers and I have my multi media app that the reflection paper needs to be on.  I will send my  slide show when you decide to do this paper  2 pages of writing and … Read more

Historical Perspective: American and Japanese

This assignment is an opportunity for you to investigate an historical event from two different cultural perspectives. Everyone will research American and Japanese newspaper articles, videos, books, magazine articles, etc. on the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan (August 6th. & 9th., 1945) at the end of World War II. Events occur in history, … Read more

Concept: Delegation

Case Study You are working the night shift on a medical unit and have been assigned charge nurse responsibilities. You are working with four RNs, one LPN, and two UAPs. A client becomes pulseless and is not breathing, and the nurse assigned to the clients care calls a code. The nurse is occupied at this … Read more


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