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Compare and contrast the scientist that is you and this scientist of your choice that you admire. How are you the same? How are you different? Do you seek the same truths about our world?

Write a 400 word essay about you as a scientist and a published scientist of your choice that you admire. This scientist may be a genetic scientist or other.Include the following:1. How are you a scientist in campus laboratories (past to now) and in the real world? Here are some words that may help you: … Read more

How does the company approach product and service innovation? How are product and service innovation projects executed? Where is the knowledge necessary to implement such projects sourced from?

(go over to question 5)1) Title Page and Table of Contents2) Introduction2 [approximately 600 words]:A brief overview of the selected company in terms of size and location; the analysis of the entrepreneurial context in which the company operates by introducing the products/services it offers and its main competitors;3) Historical Development [approximately 700 words]:In this section, … Read more

M7 response

Needs two respond to post #1 and #2 by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. The response integrates multiple perspectives and shows value as a seed for reflection by including other discussants views. Write a couple for each post and number them … Read more


    Select a movement from a sport or skill and locate 2 research articles that each perform a quantitative biomechanical analysis    Compare and contrast the two, including:o    Introduction of the movement that you selectedo    Methods that were used in each studyo    Results that were found in each studyo    Conclusion    Are there differences    Similarities?    Does one … Read more

The Universal Basic Income

It’s a policy brief paper. A policy brief presents a concise summary of information that can help readers understand, and likely make decisions about, policies. Policies can be implemented at a variety of levels including, for instance, those of the federal, state, or municipal government; the school, school district, or conference; the organization, the corporation, … Read more

Consumer Behavior

Use MS Word (1 margin all around, double space, 12 point Times New Roman) Pick at least three magazine, newspaper, TV and/or web advertisements.  Describe the ads and analyze each one using at least 20 different theories, concepts, and/or terminologies from the list below.  Type them in boldface. You may answer the following questions:    … Read more

Leadership Podcast

1) Select the 2 best segments of Craig Groeschel’s Leadership Podcast on YouTube 2) Share the links to those segments. 3) Offer a 2-3 sentence summary of the big ideas discussed in each segment. 4) Offer 2-3 sentences about how you can tie the segment to any of the course materials listed below a . … Read more


I need to write a few paragraph answering this two questions about Uber in Australia.(http://www.heraldsun.com.au/search-results?q=uber) Here is one sources. 1. Find any quantifiable evidence (i.e., data) about the impact of Uber on the local economy? What sort of evidence is presented, either for or against the impact of Uber? 2.How has technology, including social media, … Read more

Martha Stewart

Topic #2-Criminal liability of businesses or businesspeople-Write a term paper on a criminal action of someone or some company who has committed a white collar crime and has either pled guilty to it, or has been convicted of the crime in a trial.This has to be a trial or incident that is timely and has … Read more


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