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Task: The Company Analysis project is designed to give you a chance to practically apply the material covered during the course in a “real-world” scenario as well as to familiarize you with the business research resources available to you. After you have completed the project, you should be comfortable researching any company in which you may want to invest, se

Task: The Company Analysis project is designed to give you a chance to practically apply the material covered during the course in a “real-world” scenario as well as to familiarize you with the business research resources available to you. After you have completed the project, you should be comfortable researching any company in which you … Read more

Assignment: 1) Craft a letter to one of the three firms to let them know that you will not be using their services. You have decided to go with someone else, but you want to maintain goodwill between your company and theirs for possibl

Assignment: 1) Craft a letter to one of the three firms to let them know that you will not be using their services. You have decided to go with someone else, but you want to maintain goodwill between your company and theirs for possible business in the future. Tracy Smith, your committee member who is … Read more

Task: Your third longer-term assignment in this course is a presentation or short paper in which you will share your question derived at the end of your observation journal in Module Four, and discuss why it is important and how developments in the social sciences contribute to our understanding of ourselves, each other, and the world around us. This final reflection will assess the following course outcomes, which you focused on throughout Modules Seven and Eight:

Task: Your third longer-term assignment in this course is a presentation or short paper in which you will share your question derived at the end of your observation journal in Module Four, and discuss why it is important and how developments in the social sciences contribute to our understanding of ourselves, each other, and the … Read more

Environmental issues, including climate change, are increasingly discussed in the executive suite as it relates to strategy formulationand implementation. Questions like how “green” a company should be if it is pursuing a low-cost strategy in an increasingly environmentally conscious society, or if following a differentiation strategy, how much e

Environmental issues, including climate change, are increasingly discussed in the executive suite as it relates to strategy formulationand implementation. Questions like how “green” a company should be if it is pursuing a low-cost strategy in an increasingly environmentally conscious society, or if following a differentiation strategy, how much extra will end-users (customers) pay for a green option, … Read more

Task: What makes a great leader today? Many of us carry this image of this all-knowing superhero who stands and commands and protects his followers. But that’s kind of an image from another time. And what’s also outdated are the leadership development programs that are based on success models for a world that was, not a world that is or that is

Task: What makes a great leader today? Many of us carry this image of this all-knowing superhero who stands and commands and protects his followers. But that’s kind of an image from another time. And what’s also outdated are the leadership development programs that are based on success models for a world that was, not … Read more

Assignment Boo hoo: “Learning from the largest European dot-com failure “Unless we raise $20 million by midnight, boo.com is dead” So said boo.com CEO Ernst Malmsten, on May 18th 2000. Half the investment was raised, but this was too little, too late, and a

Assignment Boo hoo: “Learning from the largest European dot-com failure “Unless we raise $20 million by midnight, boo.com is dead” So said boo.com CEO Ernst Malmsten, on May 18th 2000. Half the investment was raised, but this was too little, too late, and at midnight, less than a year after its launch, Boo.com closed. The … Read more

Task: 1. Structure and Formatting Guidelines   a. Add a title/cover page of your choice at the beginning of the report. It should include the name of the assessment, subject name, student’s name, and student ID. b. Insert a ta

Task: 1. Structure and Formatting Guidelines a. Add a title/cover page of your choice at the beginning of the report. It should include the name of the assessment, subject name, student’s name, and student ID. b. Insert a table of content next to the title page. c. Insert the page number within the footer of … Read more

Question: Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow. Case study: Aaron is undergoing rehabilitation from a serious motor cycle accident and his support worker Sandro has arrived at Aaron’s unit at the usual time to take him down to the gym and rehabilitation centre. Aaron lives alone; he is separated f

Question: Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow. Case study: Aaron is undergoing rehabilitation from a serious motor cycle accident and his support worker Sandro has arrived at Aaron’s unit at the usual time to take him down to the gym and rehabilitation centre. Aaron lives alone; he is separated from his … Read more

Each student is required to identify a viable business opportunity, assess its current business environment, perform strategy generation and selection, and recommend realistic and creative corporate and business level strategies. The students need to incorporate current trends emerging in initiating and executing the new business opportunity includ

Each student is required to identify a viable business opportunity, assess its current business environment, perform strategy generation and selection, and recommend realistic and creative corporate and business level strategies. The students need to incorporate current trends emerging in initiating and executing the new business opportunity including but not limited to new ways of operating … Read more

Provide a brief overview of what is the problem, why it should be taken seriously, and what are the key solutions that this proposal hopes the party reading it will adopt.   Problems/Issues   Analyse the problems s using systems thinking by: What are th

Provide a brief overview of what is the problem, why it should be taken seriously, and what are the key solutions that this proposal hopes the party reading it will adopt.   Problems/Issues   Analyse the problems s using systems thinking by:   What are the root causes of food insecurity for the disadvantaged in … Read more


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