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Task: Criteria 1 – Theoretical knowledge  Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilise the theories and concepts relevant to their topic. Criteria 2 – Complex problem evaluation   Demonstrated critical understanding of the problems associated with the relevant contextual factor throughout the presentation and essay.

Task: Criteria 1 – Theoretical knowledge Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilise the theories and concepts relevant to their topic. Criteria 2 – Complex problem evaluation Demonstrated critical understanding of the problems associated with the relevant contextual factor throughout the presentation and essay. Criteria 3 – Creative solution Recommendation of solutions regarding how … Read more

Question: Your Task Review a specified listed company and evaluate them considering the content covered in this subject. Assessment Description You are required to review and research annual and sustainability reports, recent news articles and any other relevant information relating to any one of the following 8 companies: Rio Tinto

Question: Your Task Review a specified listed company and evaluate them considering the content covered in this subject. Assessment Description You are required to review and research annual and sustainability reports, recent news articles and any other relevant information relating to any one of the following 8 companies: Rio Tinto AGL CSL Domino’s Macquarie Banking … Read more

Question: Background Information For this assessment you are playing the role of the new environment officer at the simulated business, the Tiny Opera Company. You will need to determine the shortfalls between their sustainability approach and practices required and develop policy to reflect those practices. You will need

Question: Background Information For this assessment you are playing the role of the new environment officer at the simulated business, the Tiny Opera Company. You will need to determine the shortfalls between their sustainability approach and practices required and develop policy to reflect those practices. You will need to develop an implementation plan and monitoring … Read more

Five Communication Strategy Recommendations

For this discussion you will be working within your assigned small group to develop five recommendations that you will propose to Sharon Slade, the chief human resources officer of Netflix. Your recommendations should include the following critical elements: Incorporate concepts of integrative bargaining, (i.e., win-win bargaining or interest-based bargaining). Your goal is to create an … Read more

Corporate Leadership in Kuwait

We have covered in class the topic Corporate leadership and discussed various examples of how companies contribute to their socieites.Please share one example of corporate leadership and community services from your surroundings, i.e. companies in Kuwait that practice community leadership, or your own participation as volunteers.Watch the deadline and cut-off date.Write a paragraph, no longer … Read more

Brown vs board of education

Background of the case: Circumstances of the crime or issue (if not a crime), what about the subsequent investigation, trial, or law was challenged, and the arguments about what part of the Constitution was violatedDecision made by the Supreme Court:Analyze what the Supreme Court ruled and give a detailed reasoning for why they ruled that … Read more

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

Explain this topic and describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.You can use the information provided below and further resources. The topic is stress and adaptionTHE ALARM REACTIONStress is any situation that upsets the homeostatic balance. Stressors can be physical or emotional events. The first step in the stress response is the … Read more

Healthcare Technology Trends

Imagine you work for a health care organization and have been asked to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to the organization members.  Develop a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of your findings and recommendations to present to the … Read more

Chemistry 1

Explain this topic and describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.You can use the information provided below and further resources. The topic is Ionic Bonding.Ions are atoms or molecules bearing an electrical charge. A cation (a positive ion) forms when a neutral atom loses one or more electrons from its valence shell, … Read more


4 sources: 2 must be scholarly sources Questions to consider for each source; (don’t have to answer every question for each source) Why are we reading this?What question is this research trying to answer?How do they know what they know?What methods do they use?Who did they ask?What knowledge did they value (epistemology)?Large or small Nthick … Read more


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