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stages of grief and EKR

Find an article FROM A CREDIBLE SOURCE regarding the stages of grief, review the article and why you agree or disagree with its content.  Also, do not spend your review detailing each stage….we all know what they are. Be sure to utilize proper  formating  to reference the article in your discussion post. The post stages … Read more

research methods

Using the Sun Coast data set, perform a correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and multiple regression analysis, and interpret the results.Please follow the Unit V Scholarly Activity template to complete your assignment.You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak for this assignment.Example:Correlation AnalysisRestate the hypotheses.Provide data output results from Excel Toolpak.Interpret the correlation analysis results    Simple … Read more

romeo and juliet

Romeo and Juliet Film Study: Textual AnalysisEssay Revision Process Step 1: Write Intro. & Conclusion.Introduction:Hook: Choose one approach:Ask a question.Provide a quote that links to the play’s theme or your message.Offer a statement that presents a universal condition (applies to all)Background of the play: brief summary of plot, characters, and actionIntroduction to versions of the … Read more

Pedagogical and Andragogical approaches to instruction and learning

Write a research paper comparing and contrasting the pedagogical and andragogical approaches to instruction and learning. Suppose the senior supervisor or manager of your organization asks you to design a program to increase employee awareness of sexual harassment and train your employees in the appropriate way(s) to deal with harassment complaints. Which principles (from either … Read more

MGT 560. International Relations Assignment 1 Instruction: Read and discuss the following questions. You may utilize external resources such as online searches, journals, texts, and archived newspapers in answering these question sets. Be sure to give proper attribution by referencing and citing any borrowed work that you utilize in answering these question set

MGT 560. International Relations Assignment 1 Instruction: Read and discuss the following questions. You may utilize external resources such as online searches, journals, texts, and archived newspapers in answering these question sets. Be sure to give proper attribution by referencing and citing any borrowed work that you utilize in answering these question sets and follow … Read more

Casenotejudgement in cases T-778/16, Ireland vCommission and T-892/16, Apple Sales Internationaland Apple Operations Europe v. Commission

* Times New Roman, max interline 1,5 * Obligatory elements: * Cover page  with title and information about author * 3 sections: * Statement of facts  max 2 pages * Legal analysis  including analysis of the legal notions, juxtaposing (comparing) different views on the topic presented in doctrine and jurisprudence (objective analysis) min. 8 pages * Personal proposal / opinion on the topic (subjective opinion) * Inclusion of jurisprudence and doctrine!!!  (anytime you cite someone else statement putting footnotes is obligatory) * Bibliography I need only legal analysis on min 8 pages. Please, follow writing in document named “1” and check other assignments, that are examples. The … Read more

Life Chances

Watch the video and then describe how one aspect of your own social background has affected your ability to do well in life (life chances) For example: You might realize that you were able to secure a job with a higher salary and great healthcare because you could meet the bilingual prerequisite. As a result … Read more

LAW301 Summer Semester Assignment 1 Case study: Mandy Johnsen is a 45-year-old Manager/ Chauffeur who is employed by Hummer Fun Pty Ltd in Sydney. Mandy requests your services for the preparation of her company’s 2019/20 tax return. Mandy has already lodged her own personal tax return on my.gov. au. You are required to prepare the company’s tax return. On 11 September 2020 Mandy presents you with the relevant information for the preparation of her company’s tax return for the 2020 income year. Company Tax Return 1. Hummer inheritance

LAW301 Summer Semester Assignment 1 Case study: Mandy Johnsen is a 45-year-old Manager/ Chauffeur who is employed by Hummer Fun Pty Ltd in Sydney. Mandy requests your services for the preparation of her company’s 2019/20 tax return. Mandy has already lodged her own personal tax return on my.gov. au. You are required to prepare the … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

3.) What are the major differences between the Informative and Persuasive Speech? Elaborate on making Claims for the Persuasive Speech and submitting main points for Informative Speech? Include the definitions and types of Claims discussed. What key factors differentiate the Informative from the Persuasive presentations structure and intent? 4.) What are the components of argument … Read more


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