Recruitment Tool

You are a Consultant Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contacted by “State University” to conduct a search to fill a critical position (management level). explains your recruitment strategy, process, and procedures, and what makes your recruitment agency the right choice for this assignment. include the role of the recruiting agency and the … Read more

Stem Cell Research

DirectionsSee what else you can find out about stem cell research by choosing a category regarding stem cell research and responding to your chosen category’s corresponding questions. Write one or two paragraphs of 300 words to answer your questions. Categories and questions: History: When did stem cell research become known? Who discovered stem cells? What … Read more

Graduate school application

Im planning to apply WashU Olin Business School in Finance with concentration on Wealth and Asset management. I would like to see how would you write the admissions essay. Describe how this program will help you acquire your desired industry skills and achieve your career objectives. (250-word maximum)Share what led you to apply to WashU … Read more

Admission to Duke University

For our MMS: Foundations of Business class, the Admissions team is looking for students who are eager to engage with, and learn from, their classmates. This learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom, as extracurricular engagement is an important part of the MMS experience. Describe how you would plan to be engaged outside … Read more

In individual cases, tailoring a sentence based on not only the offence itself, but the race and origins of the defendant, seem to be a requirement of individualized justice. Yet, this might result in two people who have committed the same offence being r

This assignment asks you to research and write a 4000-word paper on a sentencing-related topic. The word count includes footnotes. This should be a concise but rich research paper.Take care in crafting your topic so that it is not too broad.Be specific.A (good) short paper does not just mean a shorter discussion of an issue, … Read more

Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsPrepare a presentation of the research paper submitted in week 6. You are not just copying and pasting from the week 6 research paper. Slides are to be written with bullet-type statements not longer than two-sentence, not paragraphs are used on slides. If you have any questions, either ask or look up what a PowerPoint … Read more

The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods

The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research study to increase validity and reliability. What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in a nursing study? Support your answer with current evidence-based literature. The post … Read more


Thinking of nursing first as a job of caring and making a difference, as well as the work of giving medications on time, checking an X-ray to see if the doctor needs to be called, or taking an admission at 2:00 a.m. with a smile on our faces, reminds us of the synthesized whole of … Read more


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