Topic: International Commercial Arbitration Section A – Compulsory – Case Analysis (25%): Chloe Z Fishing Co. v. Odyssey Re (London) Ltd., 109 F. Supp. 2d 1236 (S.D. Cal. 2000) Critically discuss the scope of the parties’ agreement to refer their disputes to arbitration, making reference to the basic guidelines to govern arbitrability. Word Limit: 1,500 Section B – Answer one question from this section (75%): 1. “The principle of party autonomy and the applicable law are playing different but interrelated roles in international commercial arbitration.” Critically evaluate this statement. 2. Critically discuss and analyse the standards of independence and impartiality in the context of international commercial arbitration. 3. Critically discuss the interaction and balance between treaty obligations and national law in the context of international commercial arbitration. Word Limit: 2,500 Submission date: 15th January 2021 Method of Submission: Please ensure that you submit your assignments electronically through the Turnitin software on Blackboard by 16.00pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on the stipulated submission date. Other Instructions: Your assignment should be appropriately referenced (using OSCOLA) and should contain a full bibliography of all sources consulted in undertaking the work. You should also be aware of the University rules concerning academic integrity . Further details and marking criteria can be found in Bangor University’s Regulations for Taught Programmes