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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question #1:  Do people who know they are HIV infected have an obligation to tell their partner/s about their status before engaging in sex with them? Explain your answer.

    PLs provide a fresh perspective on this issue.
    You enhanced the academic atmosphere of the course by posting thoughtful, well-written opinions.
    You showed evidence that you had read about the topic beforehand and had given it some thought and not merely posted an opinion off the top of your head. ( Fan, H. Y., Conner, R. F., and Villarreal, L. P. (2013). AIDS: Science and Society (7th edition).

You substantiated your opinion by incorporating information from at least  TWO professional journals (e.g. AIDS Education and Prevention”, “AIDS Patient Care and STDS”, “New England Journal of Medicine”, “Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services” etc.) in your first DB message.

    You need to find peer-review journal articles on your own that are related to the specific issue in each forum.
    Incorporating information from only the book or only peer-review journal articles is not an option. You must do both in posting.

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