Identify an aspect of the curriculum in your subject/phase that is of interest to you.
Using the literature, provide a clear rationale outlining why this aspect of the curriculum
is the focus.
• Introduction to include:
o The area of curriculum that interests you
o Description of the literature around this area
o Explanations of key terms from the literature
o Statement, using the literature and your experiences, on why this is an
important aspect to focus on
Critically discuss what the literature says about your chosen focus and how it will inform your future curriculum organisation and planning.
• To include:
o Critical discussion of the literature around your focus
o Comparisons between different sources
o Counter arguments and evaluation of the literature
o Explanation as to how the literature will inform your planning
Draw conclusions, using evidence from the literature, that supports the intent (what and why) for your planning.
• Conclusion to include:
o Justification of why this is important to include this aspect in planning, with specific reference to the literature
o Summary of why teachers should plan this way with specific reference to the literature
Type of assignment: Essay
Subject: Education
Pages: 10/2750

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