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Instructions Statistical Techniques For this final paper, you will develop a res

Statistical Techniques
For this final paper, you will develop a research proposal to solve a business problem choosing one of the statistical techniques we covered in this course. Your paper must:
Assess a business problem.
Justify statistical technique choice for your problem.
Analyze three peer-reviewed research articles applying your chosen statistical technique to similar business problems.
Synthesize the anticipated type of data you will use for the statistical analysis.
Propose expected results.
Evaluate how the analysis results would help solve your business problem.
Submission Details:
Submit a 5 – 6 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
Name your document SU_BUS7200_W5_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc

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Statistical Techniques
For this final paper, you will develop a res appeared first on Homework Helpers.


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