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job characteristics | Management homework help

   (3 – 5 pages, Times New Roman 12-point font size, Double-Spaced) 

Please respond to the following questions:

1.      What are your scores from taking the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire? Which form of commitment emerged as the strongest driver of commitment for you? (which had the highest score?) Based on your results, what can your organization do to promote your organizational commitment?

2.      What are your scores from taking the Job Descriptive Index? Describe the hierarchy of your satisfaction scores from the various facets – for which facets do you have the most satisfaction and which facets do you have the least satisfaction? Based on your results, what can your organization do to increase your job satisfaction?

3.      What are your scores from taking the Work Design Questionnaire? To what extent does your current have the characteristics identified in the Job Characteristics model as leading to high intrinsic motivation? Based on your assessment and understanding the constraints you may have in your organization, suggest ways in which your job may be redesigned to increase intrinsic motivation.


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