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Harmony in Christs Judean, Perean, & Jerusalem Ministry

I dont have all the required materials if you can do your best it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

As we have seen in previous weeks, the Gospels are remarkably similar in many respects, particularly the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). In these accounts, the chronology, geography, and scenes are often alike. John’s Gospel also intersects with the synoptic at critical points. Because of their similarities we can read the Gospels side by side, experiencing what is called a harmony of the Gospels, and form a basic understanding of the sweep of the narrative and events of Jesus’ earthly ministry. This week we will continue with a harmony of the Gospels, focusing on Christ’s concluding earthly ministryin Judea, Perea, and Jerusalem.

To learn about the fundamental story line of the Gospels and to consider how the narrative of Jesus’ earthly ministry progresses are important for any theologian. Read and view the following resources in order to better understand a harmony of Jesus’ life as it relates to the closing ministry of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 493524
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Discipleship (Links to an external site.)”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Rich and Poor (Links to an external site.)”only sections titled “Rich and Poor in First-Century Judaism” and “Rich and Poor in the Teaching of Jesus”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Temple Act/Cleansing (Links to an external site.)”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Death of Jesus (Links to an external site.)”only sections 1 and 2 titled “Crucifixion in the Ancient World” and “The Crucifixion of Jesus”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Ascension of Jesus (Links to an external site.)”

Choose 1 of the articles above from the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (do not use the Strauss textbook). Next, analyze and interpret your reading to extract the essential meaning contained in the original source. To demonstrate you have successfully completed this task, you will produce a 25-word summary. The goal of this activity is to demonstrate the depth of your engagement as well as your ability to communicate this depth clearly.

Characteristics of a successful 25-word summary:

The summary contains exactly 25 words. You do not understand the source well enough yet if you cannot write this concisely, so keep working and processing the information until you can. If you believe you have successfully summarized the main idea in under 25 words, you must use the remaining words available to communicate something else you know about the concept.
The summary must be written in a coherent sentence or sentences. Additionally, the summary should not be a simple listing of concepts, terms, or themes. Correct grammar and syntax must be employed.
You only have 25 words, so every word in the summary should have a meaningful purpose.
The summary must accurately reflect the reading’s central or essential message and reflect a personal understanding of the material.
Carefully review the requirements above to ensure your summary meets the intended goals of this activity before submitting for the professor’s review.

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