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Think about family’s safety threats versus risk factors essay

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to think about family’s safety threats versus risk factors essay. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:Think about family’s safety threats versus risk factors essayThe purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate the ability to critically think about family’s safety threats versus risk factors, knowledge of the key concepts of the family solutions model and apply those skills to produce task for a “Safety Plan”. The Johnson family scenario will be used in class and for this assignment.   Information will be used from the Cycle of Destructive Behavior developed by the student in class for Ms. Johnson. This will be a written paper from 3-4 pages, not including the cover page, references. APA formatting(1 inch margins on all sides, 12 pt. font, and double space).Student will:Demonstrate at least four key concepts of the Family Solutions Model while communicating how it applies to the Johnson Family Scenario.Determine the conflicts within the family that increases the risk for abuse, safety threats,  and exceptions that increase protective factors.Identify the Family Developmental tasks in which family struggles with, also known as the Every Day Life Event (EDLE) and discuss how it led to a safety threats for the child or children in the Johnson case.Referencing your Cycle of Destructive Behavior developed in class, explain Ms. Johnson’s cycle specifically focusing on the “ACE”, Avoid/Cope/Escape portion of the cycle. Identify and discuss at least five specific tasks that could be used on the family’s Safety Plan.In conclusion the student should discuss how their knowledge of Family Solutions could enhance their delivery of services while enhancing safety permanency and wellbeing to the families you serve.AttachmentsClick Here To DownloadThe post Think about family’s safety threats versus risk factors essay appeared first on AssignmentHub.


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