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Police Officer Oral Presentation/Speech

All instructions will be attached. In the Oral board Prompt PDF please pay attention to the instructions, topic, paper format, and the written paper/presentation evaluation. They need to be spot on and effective. I have also attached the core values of the Richland police department (RPD) including their mission and vision for your use in your essay. Please correlate to those in the paper. The speech/oral presentation/paper must be a maximum of 4 pages, try to get close to that. The speech will be addressed to the city council of Richland. Just so you now city council includes: Mayor of that city and the council members. There in charge of how the Richland police department operates and we need to impress them. Let me know if any questions, again READ the prompt and TOPIC on what to write about. Any question please ask, because last thing I want is you finishing the writing and its not even towards the topic.

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